On Feb 23, 2025, at 6 a.m. a waiter went missing from the 'MSC Poesia'. After the ship left Montevideo, he fell into the water. The incident was confirmed after reviewing the ship's camera system, as well as the exact time and place of the incident. The ship was bound for Balneario Camboriú, Santa Catarina. The absence of the man, named Jeric Bueno and 32 years old, was confirmed when the ship was at the height of the Rocha resort of La Coronilla and 13 miles from entering Brazilian waters. The cameras showed that the crew member was standing on deck 7, port side forward, near the life raft station. From the port bridge wing camera, some stains could be distinguished in the water that appeared to be a person,
On Feb 24, 2025, at 06.45 a.m. a fire broke out aboard the 'Kornelis-Jan', which was sailing on the New Maas and had to moor at the Bakkersoordse Quay in Pernis. The fire brigade arrived with many units after the alert, including four fire engines and a cherry picker. Assistance came from Schiedam and Vlaardingen, among others. The fire brigade carried out a reconnaissance on the ship. The fire was probably caused by a technical defect in the electrical system. The fire brigade remained on site for a follow-up inspection. No one was injured in the incident. Report with photo: https://www.pzc.nl/rotterdam/brand-door-technisch-defect-op-binnenvaartschip-op-nieuwe-maas-in-pernis~a32e88a4/?cb=c013840f-9508-4b5c-9278-1c8c4c854470&auth_rd=1
On the afternoon of Feb 22, the 'Glen Sannox', sailing on the rout Brodick-Troon, suffered a technical issue,which required further investigation, As a consequence, the scheudled departure at 5:20 p.m. from Brodick was delayed. After the technical issue has been resolved at the berth in Brodick, the ferry departed from the port at 6:30 p.m and reached Troon at approximately 7:35 p.m.
On Feb 22 an excursion catamaran sighted a cayuco 3.4 nautical miles east of Puerto Colón, Tenerife. The CCS of Salvamento Marítimo in Tenerife mobilized the 'Salvamar Alpheratz', which escorted the boatit to Los Cristianos, where the 16 migrants on board disembarked in good condition. Report with photo: https://x.com/salvamentogob/status/1893002196184137988
On Feb 17, 2025, the 'NS Helse' was detained in Kocaeli with nine deficiencies , eight of which being regarded as seriously and grounds for a detention: 1) Life saving Appliances - Rescue boats Inoperative 2) Life saving Appliances - Embarkation arrangements rescue boats Inoperative 3) Structural conditions - Beams, frames, floors - construction Not as required 4) Structural conditions - Ballast, fuel and other tanks Holed 5) Structural conditions - Other (Structural conditions) Other 6) Living and working - Cleanliness of engine room Insufficient 7) Living and working - Ventilation (Working spaces) Not as required 8)) Fire safety - Fire doors/openings in fire resisting division - Malfunctioning The vessel was released again on Feb 18 and was permitted a single voyage to Altinova for permanent repairs, where it remained from Feb 19-21 before proceeding to Icdas with an ETA as of Feb 22. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063576908591
The 'Ocean Viking' has rescued 112 migrants off the coast of Libya in two rescues between Feb 22 and Feb 23. The ship first assisted a fiberglass boat during the night, rescuing 25 migrants including three women, one of whom was pregnant. On the next morning, 87 other migrants who were on a wooden boat were taken care of in coordination with the Italian authorities. The people rescued mainly were coming from Bangladesh, Somalia or Egypt. The 'Ocean Viking' was now heading to Livorno, which was assigned by the Italian authorities, more than 1,000 kilometres from the rescue zone.
The 'VB Seal' was in collision with a seagoing vessel on the Caland Canal near the Europoort of Rotterdam on Feb 23, 2025, at around 2 a.m. After the accident, and suffered a leak with ensuing water ingress, The tug started to list to starboard side. The seagoing vessel and two other vessels pushed the tug against the quay in the Europoort to keep it afloat. They had to accelerate considerably, which released a lot of CO2. The exhaust fumes entered the ship, and six people on board became unwell due to the high carbon dioxide concentration. Four ambulances rushed to the scene, and four of the victims were taken to hospital. They were doing well under the circumstances. The two other injured people were checked on site by emergency services. The tugwas ventilated after which further action could be taken. To prevent the tug from sinking, pumps were also placed on board to drain out the water, and the ship could be stabilzed. The emergency services attended with large contingents. The Port Authority and HEBO Maritiemservice with the 'Hebocat 7' were on scene. The cause of the collision was being investigated. On Feb 24, the ship was moored in pos. N 51° 58' N 004° 07' E with the tug 'VB Tiger' (IMO: 9454888) alongside to stabilize it, later joined by the 'VB Beagle' (IMO: 9816359). Reports with photos: https://mediatv.nl/nieuws/nieuws/28090/sleepboot-lek-na-aanvaring-6-mensen-onwel-bij-hulpverleningsactie-calandkanaal-europoort-rotterdam https://www.tugspotters.com/app/content/2025/02/vb-seal-vb-tiger-vb-beagle-hebo-cat-7/# https://www.dehavenloods.nl/nieuws/algemeen/57284/zes-personen-onwel-na-botsing-sleepboot-met-zeeschip-bij-euro
On Feb 21 2025, the Spanish flagged fishing vessel 'Monterro' was disabled and adrift four nautical miles southwest of Barbate. The CCS Tarifa of Salvamento Marítimo mobilized the 'Salvamar Enif' to assist, which took the boat in tow and safely pulled it to the port.
On Feb 22, the Spanish flagged fishing boat 'Corvo' requested towing assistance after having suffered an engine failure 32 nautical miles from the coast. The MRCC in A Coruña mobilized at 5 p.m. The towage lasted ten hours, and the ship was pulled into the port of Orza on Feb 23 at 3 a.m.
it rmained uncertain whether the battery situation on the 'Ellen', which sails between Als and Ærø, would be full capacity during the peak season, the shipping company Ærøfærgernes' reported. They were cutting a daily sailing with the electric ferry from five to four. It has not been more than three weeks since 'Ellen' returned to normal operation with five daily sailings.The ferry is sailing with fewer batteries due to battery problems which occurred in autumn 2024, and the shipping company had tried a changed sailing plan and charging procedure, but have to hold on until they get more batteries on board, which depends on the supplier,
After a damage was remarked at the data cable C-Lion1.which connects Finland and Germany, the authorities were still investigating the incident, but now believed that it is a damage that has been caused by the 'Vezhen' on Jan 26, which has only now become known. The authorities are working on the theory that it is the anchor of the Chinese tanker that caused the now-observed damage. The C-Lion1 cable was also damaged in November and again in December 2024. After the suspected cable break was discovered on Feb 19 in the Swedish economic zone off Gotland, a preliminary investigation has been launched by the Police Authority, with the Coast Guard assisting, which sent a ship on Feb 21. Initially a preliminary investigation into sabotage was initiated so that the police could have access to the tools needed to clarify what happened. The investigation began on Feb 20. The company Cinia owns the cable. The company confirmed a minor damage, which did not affect communication connections. Cinia's largest owner is the Finnish state and is tasked with strengthening Finland's digital connectivity and cybersecurity. At the end of January, the National Task Force stormed the 'Vezhen' on suspicion of serious sabotage after a cable break in the Baltic Sea between Gotland and Latvia. Just over a week later, the Swedish investigation determined that it was not a case of sabotage. However, in Latvia, the investigation is still in full swing and they are still investigating whether the cable was damaged intentionally.
On Feb 22, 2025, the 'Arne', en route from St. Petersburg, Russia, to Sevilla, was stopped on the Kiel Fjord for ths suspicion of having damaged a data cable off Gotland, where the ship was monitored on the morning of Feb 20. It had slowed down its speed and was surveyed by the Danish Navy since Feb 21. It was noticed that the port side bow anchor was missing. Where the anchor was lost, remained unclear. On the evening, the Federal German Police deployed the patrol boat 'Neustadt' from Rostock, which escorted the 'Arne' to Kiel, jointly with the Danish patrol boat 'Luna'. On the Kiel Fjord a boarding team of the 'Neustadt' went on board and investigated the ship and the crew for three hours. As there was no reason for a further detention, the ship was released on Feb 22 at 1 p.m. and entered the Kiel Canal with an ETA at the port of destination as of March 2. There was no information regarding the whereabouts of the anchor and the chain. The investigations were going on. Report with photos: https://www.kn-online.de/schleswig-holstein/frachter-ohne-anker-in-kiel-bundespolizei-stoppt-verdaechtiges-schiff-QPWF2MB4RJAKFCWP2PQLFFQOQE.html
The 'Eagle Canoas' got propeller problems addressed in the Guanabara Bay after its arrival in Rio de Janeiro on Feb 12, 2025 . The stern was surrounced with an oil boom, while work boats were working on the propulsion. The ship left the port again on Feb 21e n route to the FPSO Cidade De Saquarema Offshore Terminal, where it moored on Feb 22. Photos: https://www.shipspotting.com/photos/3810087?navList=gallery&category=39&page=1&viewType=normal&sortBy=newest https://www.shipspotting.com/photos/3810088?navList=gallery&category=39&page=1&viewType=normal&sortBy=newest https://www.shipspotting.com/photos/3810089?navList=gallery&category=39&page=1&viewType=normal&sortBy=newest
On Feb 21, the 'Salvamar Acrux' was mobilized by the CCS Tenerife, of Salvamento Marítimo to assist a cayuco, which had been located five nautial miles south of La Restinga. The boat was escorted to the port, where the 62 people on board safely disembarked. Among them were 54 men, seven women and one minor. Report with photo: https://x.com/salvamentogob/status/1892918899533914329
The fire damaged ‘Grande Brasile’ was towed back to the port of Antwerp on Feb 23 as a dead ship by the tugs 'Multratug 35', 'Multratug 33', 'Multratug 36' and 'Multratug 32'.The authorities hadgranted permission for the salvage tugs to bring the ship to port during daylight hours. The convy passed Terneuzen at 09.00 a.m. The tugs 'Multratug 3' and 'Brage Viking' escorted the transport on the Wester Scheldt. The ship was safeöy berthed at the Antewrp Euro Terminal. The fire is believed to have been extinguished and contained to a small section of the RoRo sector. Scorching from the fire was visible on the vessel’s superstructure near the funnel. Blistering was visible on two or more decks. Salvage crews were expected to board the vessel after it had returned to port to ensure the fire has been extinguished. Then inspectors will begin searching for the origins. The Grimaldi company has indicated it would be fully cooperating with the authorities in the investigation into the fire on the 'Grande Brasile'. Photos and video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-3741rM27c https://www.tugspotters.com/app/content/2025/02/grande-brasile-veilig-onderweg-naar-antwerpen-mbv-diverse-multratugs/ https://www.tugspotters.com/app/content/2025/02/grande-brasile/
On Feb 19, 2025, the 'Mega Regina' was detained in Toulon with one deficiency: 1) Emergency systems - Emergency source of power - emergency generator Inoperative The vessel was released again on Feb 21 and left the port en route to Ajaccio. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063576908591