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Tanker breached in collsion
The 'Piz Palü', 2645 ts (EU-No.: 244700930), was in collision on Waal near Kekerdom on Feb 11, 2020, at 12.50 a.m. with two barges pushed by the 'Rhenus Lünen', 1894 ts (EU-No.: 07001460). The 'Piz Palü' sailed towards Rotterdam while the barges were heading upstream. The port side of the empty tanker was breached. Both the push barges and the tanker ended up on a crib. Immediately a full scale alarm was sounded. The fire brigade attended with a fireboat and Rijkswaterstaat also rushed to the incident scene. Rijkswaterstaat ensured that ship traffic on the busy waterway was stopped. It quickly became apparent that no injuries had occurred and no dangerous substances leaked from the tanker into the river. The damage was far enough above the waterline of the ship so there was no water ingress and not risk of sinking. The same applied to the barges. The 'Piz Palü' continued to Rotterdam in the morning hours and was moored in the Weurt West Canal at 10.25 a.m. It was to be repaired in the Netherlands as soon as possible. The 'Rhenus Lünen' remained stuck in pos. 51° 51.84' N 006° 3.85' E at the river shore. At midday the bunker tanker 'Martina 2' went alongside the grounded vessel. It was refloated and berthed in basin a of the port of Duisburg on Feb 12 t 2.30 a.m. The 'Piz Palü' left Nijmegen on Feb 13 at 7.40 a.m. and headed to Dordrecht where it berthed on Feb 14. She left the repair yard on March 16 at 4.30 p.m. and resumed operations on the Rhine. The 'Guttenberg' left the repair yard in Speyer on March 13 at 8 p.m. and headed towards Millingen as next port, where it arrived on March 15 and berthed ath the Shipyard Millingen B.V. and remained stationary since. Dutch report with photos: https://www.gelderlander.nl/berg-en-dal/aanvaring-op-waal-bij-kekerdom-duwboot-boort-zich-in-flank-van-tankschip~a9184e54/
Tank barge grounded after collision on the Rhine
On May 16, 2017, at 1.30 a.m. the "Piz Palü", 2645 ts (EU-No.: 02333722), enroute from Königswinter to Rotterdam, ran aground on the Rhine at river kilometer 647,5 in Niederdollendorf after having been in collision with the barges "Rhenus Thionville 1", 2744 ts (EU-No.: 02332593), and "Rhenus Thionville 2", 2392 ts (EU-No.: 02332594), running river upstream with a cargo of 4.300 tons coal, which suffered a dent of 3x3 meters at port side. The "Piz Balü" was breached amidship at port side above the water line. The double hull tanker was empty at the time of the collision, having just unloaded its cargo of bio diesel. It ran onto a river dam at the right shore. After having been refloated by the Dutch container barge "Nova", 5010 ts (EU-No.: 02323289) at noon, it berthed at the BHB GmbH in Bonn at 1 p.m. before being allowed to proceed towards the owner's own yard in Moldijk in the afternoon with own power. The "Rhenus Thionville 1" and "Rhenus Thionville 2", which had sailed from Uerdingen on May 15 at 11.45 a.m., berthed in Koblenz at 1.30 p.m. before proceeding further. German reports with photos: http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de/region/siebengebirge/koenigswinter/Tanker-nach-Zusammensto%C3%9F-auf-dem-Rhein-aufgelaufen-article3556967.html http://www.rundschau-online.de/region/bonn/stadtbonn/riss-an-tanker-schiffskollision-auf-dem-rhein-bei-bonn-bad-godesberg-26912642 http://www.express.de/bonn/tanker-musste-freigeschleppt-werden-schiffe-kollidieren-auf-dem-rhein-26911052
Tanker grounded on the Rhine
On the Rhine in Colonia between the Deutzer- and the Severins Bridge the "Piz Palu" ran aground on Aug 18, 2013. The tanker was underway river upstream. A salvage was complicated by the fact, that the water height was deccreasing by six centimeters per hour. German Report with photos: http://www.express.de/koeln/schiff-haengt-fest-hollaendischer-tanker-im-rhein-auf-grund-gelaufen,2856,24044236.html
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