The "Heikendorf" has been sold to the Sylt based shipping company Adler Schiffe on Feb 3, 2025, after 42 years of service for the SFK Kiel, along with the 'Schwentine'. With the "Heikendorf", the last ferry of the "Friedrichsort" class is leaving the SFK fleet. The "Heikendorf", built in 1983 at the Lindenau shipyard in Friedrichsort, is the longest-serving ferry in the SFK fleet. The sister ships "Friedrichsort", "Laboe" and "Strande" were retired earlier. The handover trip on the Kiel Fjord started shortly before 11 a.m.. An hour later, the "Schwentine" followed. The ship, built in Hamburg in 2008, was also sold after a test run. Numerous spare parts, from propellers to couplings, were also sold with the ships.
On Jan 23, 2025, the 'Lider Haluk' was detained in Chioggia with 14 deficiencies as the result of a port state inspection, seven of which being regarded as seriously and grounds for a detention: 1) Fire safety - Fire fighting equipment and Appliances Not as required 2) Fire safety - Fire doors/openings in fireresisting division Not as required 3) Fire safety - Fire detection and alarm systems Not as required 4) Fire safety - Means of escape Unsafe 5) Fire safety - Division - decks, bulkheads and penetrations Not as required 6) Safety of navigation - Charts Not updated 7) ISM - Ism certificate Not as required The vessel was released again on Feb 1 and has remained stationary in Chioggia since and as of Feb 4. The inspection, howeverm, led to a refusal of access to Paris-MOU ports for three months. The last detention was on July 5, 2024, also in Chioggia, with 22 deficiencies for 12 days.
On Feb 3, 2025, the scheduled 7 a.m. departure of the 'Coastal Inspiration' from Tsawwassen and the sailing at 9 a.m. from Swartz Bay had to be cancelled due to mechanical issues. Other sailings on the route wer eexpected to run as scheduled, starting with the 7 a.m. departure from Swartz Bay and the 9 a.m. sailing out of Tsawwassen. The first run to Vancouver Island was cancelled because of a mechanical difficulty with the drive motor. An engineering team investigatedthe issue on board.
The 'White Eagle' docked in the port of Nador, carrying 80 containers. after it suffered a breakdown during navigation. The residents of Beni Enzar and Melilla were fearing the possible presence of dangerous materials on board or links to illegal activities. Both residents and human rights organizations demanded that the competent authorities provide transparent clarifications on the situation and the future of the ship and guarantee the safety and well-being of the region. The Grand Rif Association for Human Rights, led by activist Said Chramti, has expressed concern due to the lack of official communication from entities such as the National Port Agency and the Marsa Maroc company. A tight watch has been mounted around the ship, which has the AIS deactivated. The Philippine Embassy in Rabat is closely monitoring the situation. The ambassador himself visited the port of Nador to assess the conditions of the crew to ensure the safety and rights of the sailors. The Moroccan authorities have provided assistance to the crew, including health checks, to ensure that there is no threat to their health or the environment near the ship, Report with photo:
While the “Bentayga Cargo” returnedfrom its first trip to Huelva after the mishap of the “Marie Curie” on Jan 30 in the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the damaged ship arrived at the Tenerife Shipyards on Feb 2 in the East dock, where work has commenced to repair part of the damage, so that the Maritime Authority of Tenerife authorizes it to sail to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, to enter the ASTICAN shipyard. The “Ciudad de Ibiza” is also in ASTICAN, where it has beensince Dec 26, 2024, for repairs of the damage it had suffered on Dec 18 during the maneuver to change berths amid strong winds and a pilot on board in the port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in which it damaged two sections of the hull on the starboard side. It was estimated that the ship may return to the services of the Armas Trasmediterránea Grou this week. The “Volcán de Tauce” has been moored since Jan 14 at the Santa Catalina dock in the port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, after resolving the technical trouble that altered the La Palma line in December by inserting the catamaran “Volcán de Tirajana”. Report with photos:
The barge Sea Dragon', 2.171 gt, carrying 5,152 tons of coal from Samarinda Port to PLTU Ropa, ran aground along with the 'NBP Perdana' in Maurole waters on Jan 31, 2025, at around 02:00 a.m. WITA. The incident occurred after the anchor failed to hold the barge amid bad weather. The crew attempted to fix the situation by moving the anchor. As the weather worsened, the tug that tried to tow the barge also struggled and eventually ran aground in pos. 08°50'661" S 121°80'453" E. After the tug’s cooling system failed and large waves hit the vessel, the engine was shut down to prevent further damage. A final inspection by the crew showed no leaks in the hull. Several crew members were evacuated with the help of the local community. The evacuation began at 08:00 a.m.WITA, with three crew members evacuated noon, and the captain and the chief officer being evacuated at 2:30 p.m. WITA. Coordination efforts among the relevant agencies, including KSOP, PLTU Ropa, the ship's agency, and the ship's owner, have been carried out. However, the exact cause of the accident was still under investigation. The preliminary cause was believed to be bad weather, including a storm, strong winds, and high waves.
On the morning of Feb 1, 2025, the 'Samgwangho' and the 29 t-fishing vessel 'Manseonho 33' ran aground in stormy conditions near Tokki Island off the coast of Jeju. The South Korean Coast Guard received an alert from the latter vessel, which also transmitted its location. The Coast Guard was able to communicate with the crew and confirmed the ship had run up on the rocks. Six Coast Guard vessels along with one from the South Korean Navy launched an SAR mission. On the whole, 11 of the crew members were rescued by the Coast Guard. Two crew members, one from each vessel, were reported missing. A nighttime search was conducted to locate the missing crew. Allegedly there were two deaths from the incident. Both the captain of the' Samgwangho' and a crew member of the 'Manseonho 33' suffereda cardiac arrest. They were taken to hospital where they were pronounced dead. The vessels sustained heavy damages by the storm as waves pounded the hulls against the rocks. They broke apart with one missing its stern and the other lost large portion of its forepeak, which washed ashore a short distance away. Pollution and debris could be seen along the nearby shoreline. The relevant authorities have launched an investigation into the incidents and also a possible false report of the number of crew members on board. The 'Manseonho 33' had eight crew members on board, while the 'Samgwangho' had seven crew members. Videos:
The "Heikendorf" has been sold to the Sylt based shipping company Adler Schiffe on Feb 3, 2025, after 42 years of service for the SFK Kiel, along with the 'Schwentine'. With the "Heikendorf", the last ferry of the "Friedrichsort" class is leaving the SFK fleet. The "Heikendorf", built in 1983 at the Lindenau shipyard in Friedrichsort, is the longest-serving ferry in the SFK fleet. The sister ships "Friedrichsort", "Laboe" and "Strande" were retired earlier. The handover trip on the Kiel Fjord started shortly before 11 a.m.. An hour later, the "Schwentine" followed. The ship, built in Hamburg in 2008, was also sold after a test run. Numerous spare parts, from propellers to couplings, were also sold with the ships.
On Jan 19, 2025, the Runner' was detained in Ahus with 34 deficiencies, five of which being regarded as seriously and grounds for a detention: 1) Fire safety - Fire doors openings in fire resisting division Not as required 2) Fire safety - Vnetilation Not as required 3) Radio communications - MF Radio Installation Inoperative 4) Life saving Appliances - Embarkation arrangement survival craft Not properly maintained 5) ISM - Ism certificate Not as required The vessel was released again on Jan 30 and left the port en route to Klintehamn, where it arrived on Feb 3.
On the evening of Feb 1, 2025, a fire broke out aboard the 'Agorreta' and damaged the wheelhouse and the fish hold, while the ship was berthed at the Burela pier. The fire also caused a lot of smoke. Workers in the area had immediately tried to contain the fire, which had to be finally extinguished by the Barreiros firefighters, with the support of those from Viveiro. The smoke and the narrowness of the place complicated the extinguishing work. The firefighters needed about 2,5 hours. Report with video:
While the “Bentayga Cargo” returnedfrom its first trip to Huelva after the mishap of the “Marie Curie” on Jan 30 in the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the damaged ship arrived at the Tenerife Shipyards on Feb 2 in the East dock, where work has commenced to repair part of the damage, so that the Maritime Authority of Tenerife authorizes it to sail to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, to enter the ASTICAN shipyard. The “Ciudad de Ibiza” is also in ASTICAN, where it has beensince Dec 26, 2024, for repairs of the damage it had suffered on Dec 18 during the maneuver to change berths amid strong winds and a pilot on board in the port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in which it damaged two sections of the hull on the starboard side. It was estimated that the ship may return to the services of the Armas Trasmediterránea Grou this week. The “Volcán de Tauce” has been moored since Jan 14 at the Santa Catalina dock in the port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, after resolving the technical trouble that altered the La Palma line in December by inserting the catamaran “Volcán de Tirajana”. Report with photos:
On Feb 2, 2025, the "Ronja Explorer" with seven crew members on board ran aground at Klungset, Kolvereid, in Nærøysund.. There was no major damage to the wellboat, no spill and no injuries. The wellboat continued under its own power, and unloaded outside Rørvik before docking at the quay, The incident has been reported to the Norwegian Maritime Authority, and the vessel has been given a sailing permit to proceed to the shipyard. The ship remained in Rørvik, waiting to be taken to the shipyard for further inspections.
The US Coast Guard interdicted a boat with 16 migrants aboard approximately 15 miles off the coast of Mission Bay,on the morning of Feb 1. At approximately 12 a.m., U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Active notified theJoint Harbor Operations Center of a 25-foot panga-style with around 15-20 people aboard approximately one nautical mile south of their position. The 'Active' and a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine Operations boatcrew launched boarding teams to assess. The Coast Guard boarding team discovered 16 migrants aboard the panga. Initial interviews revealed that all claimed Mexican nationality. Thex were safely transferred to U.S. Border Patrol custody.
On Feb 1, the 'Loch Ranza' serving on the route Tayinloan-Gigha, suffered a technical issue with the hydraulic system and had to carry out a repair after the arrival in Tayinloan at 12:50 p.m. After the crew managed to resolve the problem, the ferry operated a delayed 2:00 pm.. sailing. Due to adverse weather this was, however, the last sailing of the day.
The 'Atoll', en route from Duisburg to Ghent, ran aground on the Main in pos. 49° 57' N 009° 46' E on Jan 31, 2025, at 3 p.m. and became wedged between the two banks at the port of the Karlstadt Schwenk cement works. Probably the helmsman had underestimated the current on the river. The ship was refloated on Feb 1 at around 9 a.m. UTC with the help of the icebreaking tugs 'Grassmann' (MMSI: 211661130) and 'Angermünde' (MMSI 211660870) and moved into the port basin of the Laudenbach industrial area. Reports with photos:,UbYKV3G
Nearly five months after a previous sale of the 'Elwha' was canceled, Washington State Ferries (WSF) has found a new buyer for the ferry, which was purchased by the Everett Ship Repair for $100,000 on Jan 23, 2025. A tug was scheduled to arrive at the Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal at 9 a.m. to begin to move the vessel. Everett Ship Repair plans to convert the ferry into a floating office and warehouse space at its shipyard after some modifications. In Aug 2024, Nelson Armas attempted to tow the 'Elwha' and 'Klahowya' to Ecuador after purchasing both from WSF. He hired four sailors to tow the ferries, but the towing equipment malfunctioned. The sale was cancelled and WSF returned the ferries to the Eagle Harbor Maintenance Facility on Bainbridge Island. The men alleged to the Seattle Seafarers Center that Armas left them with inadequate supplies, saying they did not have enough food or water and hadn't been paid. Eventually, the crew was deported by Customs and Border Patrol because their work permits were no longer valid. Armas denies the allegations of mistreatment.
On Feb 3, 2025, Salvamento Marítimo has mobilized the Helimer 401 SAR helicopter for a medical evacuation of a crew member from the 'PL Faith', en route from the Russian port of St. Petersburg, which was en route to Brazil and was sailing 11 miles northwest of A Coruña. The patient was hoisted and takento the airport in A Coruña to proceed with his transfer to the hospital.
While the “Bentayga Cargo” returnedfrom its first trip to Huelva after the mishap of the “Marie Curie” on Jan 30 in the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the damaged ship arrived at the Tenerife Shipyards on Feb 2 in the East dock, where work has commenced to repair part of the damage, so that the Maritime Authority of Tenerife authorizes it to sail to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, to enter the ASTICAN shipyard. The “Ciudad de Ibiza” is also in ASTICAN, where it has beensince Dec 26, 2024, for repairs of the damage it had suffered on Dec 18 during the maneuver to change berths amid strong winds and a pilot on board in the port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in which it damaged two sections of the hull on the starboard side. It was estimated that the ship may return to the services of the Armas Trasmediterránea Grou this week. The “Volcán de Tauce” has been moored since Jan 14 at the Santa Catalina dock in the port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, after resolving the technical trouble that altered the La Palma line in December by inserting the catamaran “Volcán de Tirajana”. Report with photos:
On the morning of Feb 1, 2025, the Port Authority of Amorgos was informed by the captain of the'Blue Star Paros', that during the mooring process at the port of Katapola it lost its port side anchor. The ship, which was operating a scheduled route from the port of Piraeus to the ports of Paros, Naxos, Iraklia, Schinoussa, Koufonisi and Katapola on Amorgos, safely docked at the port and disembarked 47 passengers. The Amorgos Port Station banned the ship from sailing until the presentation of a certificate of class maintenance from the classification society that monitors it.
On Feb 2, 2025,at 8.24 a.m. WIB, the 'Mega 09' sank north of Karang Gosal in pos. 05°51.278 S 105°54.102 E. The tug had on board eight crew members, three of which saved themselves onto the towed barge,which was floating in the water, while five others were floating in the water. At 08:41 AM WIB, VThe TS Merak was informed by KMP 'BNR' about the position of the barge, which was located in pos. 05°51.278 S 105°54.102 E, drifting towards the Merak-Bakau ferry route. The KMP 'Jackwin' located the five crew members floating in the water at 08:55 a.m. and started to rescue themthem. At 09:33 a.m., two two crew members had been rescued, while three others were still missing. The authorities, including Kansar Banten, quickly deployed vessels to assist with the search. At 12:22 p.m., the KN 'Tanjung Datu' reported that it had rescued six crew members from the tug. The stranded barge was also taken in tow by the tug 'Sahabat Kapuas Utama 7' and the KN 'Tanjung Datu'and pulled to the to the former Pelindo 2 Bojonegara pier area in Banten. Rescued were - Ali Usman (Captain), 34 years old - Boni Afano (Chief Officer), 55 years old - Ismali (Helmsman), 54 years old - Wahyudin (Able Seaman), 19 years old - Ridho Idris (Able Seaman), 26 years old - Alexandro (Chief Mate), 28 years old • On KMP' Jackwin':- Ahmad (Second Engineer), 35 years old - Ferga (Second Officer), 22 years old On the same day, the Agency ( Seroja Jaya Agency) through KSOP Class I Banten conducted the handover of the six rescued crew members, all of whom were in good condition. The search for the remaining missing crew memberswas continued, while awaiting the arrival of two other crew members from Bakauheni. Report with photo: