On Jan 15, the 'Baronessen', whichran aground at Lysake, was transported from Oslo to the shipyard in Horten for repair. Around 90 passengers were on board when the Nesodden ferry ran aground. No one was injured. The police believed the express ferry had siffered a blackout and lost power. According to the operator Norled it was concluded too quickly, as it was too early to say anything about the cause. On Jan 19, the 'Baronessen' left Horten again and returned to Oslo on Jan 20, from where the ferry started a trial. The ship will be able to be put into operation again as early as Jan 21. Reports with photo: https://www.nrk.no/stor-oslo/grunnstott-hurtigbat-sendes-til-reparasjon-1.17207911 https://www.nrk.no/stor-oslo/hurtigbat-ferdig-pa-verksted--1.17214312
On Jan 18, 2025, the 'Bahari 31' lost its towed barge 'FBSD 868' in severe weather conditions in the Java Sea, en route from Indramayu to Bojonegara. At approximately 5:00 p.m. LT, the starboard side main engine of the tug malfunctioned in pos. 05°44’748”S 107°37’386”E, near Tanjung Sedari. Waves were reaching heights of four meters then, and strong western winds at 23 knots forced the vessel to turn back to Indramayu as it was unable to continue the voyage. On Jan 19, the vessel faced another storm with wave heights of three to four meters on its way to Tanjung Indramayu. The barge and the tug stranded in pos. 06°14’791”S 108°17’260”E on Tanjung Indramayu Beach. Rescue efforts were promptly initiated, and the tug was successfully refloated by another tug, the 'Yang Viti 8', and subsequently pulled to the Indramayu PLTU power plant. At 4:25 p.m. the VTS Cirebon operators monitored the barge's position to ensure the safety of marine traffic in the surrounding area. and broadcasted a Notice to Mariners (NTM) via securite announcements at 5 p.m. Report with photos: https://hubla.dephub.go.id/Indonesianmaritimesafetyinformation/page/news/read/24737/tongkang-terdampar-di-pantai-indramayu-akibat-cuaca-buruk-proses-evakuasi-masih-berlangsung-barge-stranded-on-indramayu-beach-due-to-severe-weather-evacuation-process-ongoing
On Jan8, 2025, the 'Seaspan Harrier' allided with the Burrard Dry Dock Pier in North Vancouver, British Columbia The tug was conducting a test maneuver when it struck the pier, which suffered some damage. The 'Seapan Harrier' only had a scratch to the hull. The local authorities have secured the area, while engineers complete a survey of the damage. There were no reports of injuries or pollution. The tug operator will be responsible for covering the cost of repairs. The City of North Vancouver was immediately notified at the time of the incident, and the Seaspan Marine Transportation, was working closely with them on a repair plan. Report with photo and video: https://www.nsnews.com/local-news/tugboat-fender-bender-leaves-a-dent-in-city-of-north-vancouver-pier-10093562
On the Main at the lock in Himmelstadt, the 'Zander II' of the Main Waterways and Shipping Authority (WSA), while shifting a steel jetty by 1.40 meters on the afternoon of Jan 20, 2025, got stuck with the boom of an excavator bucket that was mounted on the ship. The jetty was hanging at an angle on the boom of the work boat and threatened to tip over. Power and high-voltage cables as well as control technology run through the jetty. These were damaged and a short circuit occurred, and the excavator could fire. The lock itself, the weir or the power station and an estimated 1,000 households in Karlstadt, Himmelstadt and Zellingen lost electricity for about an hour. A large number of rescue workers quickly arrived on site. These included fire departments from Himmelstadt and surrounding communities such as Retzbach, Retzstadt and Zellingen. The first thing that was achieved was to get the power plant running again. The water from the Main could flow through the weir again. Ship traffic on the river in the Himmelstadt area was halted until the evening. It was initially unclear how long the closure would last. A 130-ton mobile crane was called to secure the weir bridge until the late evening and returned it to its old position. The work boat has then been able to leave the lock chamber. However, the lock has to remain closed until Jan 21 at noon. The cables have een badly damaged and needed to be checked carefully. In order to be able to carry out this work, it was decided to close the lock chamber. The extent of the damage was not yet known. Reports with photos and video: https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/havarie-auf-dem-main-stromausfaelle-und-gesperrte-schifffahrt,UaURboO https://www.main-echo.de/ressorts/blaulicht/unfall-in-der-schleuse-himmelstadt-mit-mehrfach-folgen-art-8434778 https://www.infranken.de/lk/main-spessart/blaulicht/himmelstadt-brennender-bagger-auf-schiff-zerstoert-fussgaengerbruecke-grosseinsatz-am-main-stromausfall-drei-gemeinden-art-6012343
The fomer 'Seatruck Pace' has been renamed 'Al Hussein' and changed flag to the Jordanian flag on Jan 20, 2025, in the port of Liverpool. The ship has been sold to the Arab Bridge Maritime and operate in the Middle East. The 'Seatruck Point' is also expected to be sold.
On Jan 20, 2025, at 6.43 a.m. a barge, pushed by the 'Hanse', en route from Braunschweig, was in collision with the ferry 'Övelgönne" (MMSI: 211151080), serving between the stations "Hamburg-Finkenwerder" and "Landungsbrücken", which was en route from Finkenwerder to the Dockland pier, on the Northern Elbe with 25 passengers on board. The ferry ended up in the middle between the pushed convoy. One man who was sitting directly at the window was critically injured by flying debris and remained unconscious. Others cared for the man. Because of the broken windows, water kept coming through the waves into the interior of the ferry, causing several passengers to suffer hypothermia. In addition to the man with critical injuries, one other person was seriously injured and nine others were slightly injured. The other 14 people on board were uninjured, but suffered from shock. The ferry's hull suffered a breach at starboard side above the waterline, windows were shattered and interior destroyed, but the stability of the vessel was not affected, and no spills were reported. Paramedics took care of the injured on board. The fire brigade attended the scene of the accident with large contingents and fire boats. After the accident, both ships headed for the Dockland pier. Firefighters boarded the ship and brought the injured - passengers and crew - ashore. Paramedics and emergency doctors cared for the injured and took them to nearby hospitals. In total, more than 55 emergency personnel arrived. The Dockland pier was closed for rescue operations, but other ferry operations remained unaffected. Heavy equipment was also deployed by the rescue workers. The accident happened in dense fog. The 'Hanse' berthed in Waltershof after the accident. The water police and a ship accident investigation team (EGS) have begun their initial investigations on site. Both captains were questioned by the water police on site and also take a breathalyzer test, which both of them tested negative. Reports with photos and video: https://hamburg.t-online.de/region/hamburg/id_100578352/hamburg-hadag-faehre-rammt-tankschiff-zahlreiche-verletzte.html https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/panorama/ungluecke/id_100578354/unfall-in-hamburg-schute-stoesst-auf-elbe-gegen-faehre-elf-verletzte.html https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/hamburg/Schwerverletzter-nach-Unfall-mit-Hafenfaehre,video12178.html https://www.mopo.de/hamburg/polizei/unfall-mit-hafenfaehre-mehrere-verletzte/
On Jan 16, 2025, the 'CEMCOMMANDER' was detained in Brevik with six deficiencies, one of which being regarded as serious and ground for a detention. 1) ISM - Ism certificate Not as required The vessel was released again in Jan 18 and left the port en route to Randers, where it arrived on Jan 19. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063576908591
429 days after the crew of the 'Galaxy Leader' was taken hostage by the Houthi terrorists on Nov 19, 2023, for the first time during this 14-month incarceration there was hope that the 25 crew members could be freed imminently in connection with the phase one ceasefire agreed between Israel and Hamas, which came into effect on Jan 19, 2025. A senior Houth told that through Palestinian negotiators, they guaranteed that the ship and its crew will be freed in the coming days. The Houthis said on Jan 19 that as long as the ceasefire remains in place between Israel and Hamas, international merchant ships may now transit the Red Sea. However, Israeli-owned and Israeli-flagged tonnage will remain targets, and the continued attacks on Yemen by British and American military forces could see ships from those countries targeted too.
On Jan 21, 2025, the cargo m/v 'Shandong Mission' (IMO: 9910741), en route from Singaore to Port Hedland, was in collision with the 'Sinhin 5', en route from Port Klang to Kinabalu, in the northern Horsburgh waters in pos. 01° 27.300' N 104° 31.500' E. At 09:46 a.m. LT, the 'Shandong Mission' was detected drifting in Indonesian waters. Upon being contacted, the vessel reported a damage resulting from a collision with the 'Sinhin 5', At 09:49 a,m, the tug confirmed that its portside hull had suffered damage, causing a leakage. At 10:06 a.m. the ÄShandong Mission' reported a minor damage to its starboard side bow, with no leakage. The ship was declared seaworthy and ready to continue its voyage. At 10:08 a.m. the VTS Batam contacted the Tanjung Uban PLP Base and Tanjung Uban Port Authority (UPP) for further coordination of the incident. At 10:12 a.m. the 'Sinhin 5' reported an ongoing leakage, causing some of its white brick cargo to fall into the sea. The vessel's tilt was estimated at 10°–15°. At 11:12 a.m. a documentation of the 'Sinhin 5's condition was received from the passing vessel 'Nur Huda'. At 11:48 a.m. the VTS Batam issued a Notice to Mariners (NTM). At 11:59a.m. the 'Sinhin 5' reported a change in route, returning to Johor with a towing line of 150 meters, and canceling its voyage to Kota Kinabalu. At 12:19 p.m. the Shandong Mission' continued its voyage to the port of destination with an ETA as of Jan 26. Report with photo: https://hubla.dephub.go.id/indonesianmaritimesafetyinformation/page/news/read/24745/insiden-mv-shandong-mission-menabrak-barge-tb-sinhin-5-diperairan-utara-horsburg-incident-of-mv-shandong-mission-colliding-with-barge-tb-sinhin-5-in-northern-horsburgh-waters
SNS 144
The 'SNS 144' was stood down on Jan 20 as well as the other rescue forces, after the body of the missing crew member of the f/v "Rose des Vents- IO.936898" (MMSI: 228045680) was located after several hours of searching by the Civil Security's Dragon 17 helicopter at 12:26 p.m. He was declared dead at 2:05 p.m. At 5:50 a.m., the CROSS Etel had been alerted by the triggering of the emergency beacon on board the fishing vessel, but was unable to make contactand decided to immediately engage the Dauphin helicopter of the French Navy, based in La Rochelle as well as the 'SNS 144' from the SNSM station in La Rochelle. At around 6:30 a.m., the departmental operational center for fire and rescue informed the CROSS A-ETEL that the skipper of the vessel had taken refuge in a house near the search area after swimming back to shoreHe then reported the capsizing of the "Rose des Vents" which occurred around 3 a.m. Both fishermen had initially managed to take refuge on the hull of the trawler for several minutes. However, a violent wave hit them and threw them back into the water. The skipper then managed to hoist himself up onto the hull of the shiip again. The sailor was unable to get back up, and the skipper lost sight of his crew member.
On Jan 17, 2025:, the 'Ro Queen' was detained in Novorossiysk with six deficiencies.: 1) Fire safety - Fire detection and alarm system Not as required 2) Safety of navigation - Echo sounder Inoperative 3) Safety of navigation - Voyage data recorder Not as required 4) Safety of navigation - Lights, shapes and sound-signals Not as required 5) Labour conditions - Lighting (working spaces) Not as required 6) Radio communications - Reserve source of energy Not as required The vessel was released again on Jan 19 and left the port en route to the Autoport Istanbul with an ETA as of Jan 20. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063576908591
The 'Ovation of the Seas' requested the medevac of an Australian passenger on Jan 19, 2025, at around noon, who required urgent medical care. The teams of the New Caledonia Operational Surveillance and the CROSS NC responded to the ship, which was then anchored at Mystery Island, Vanuatu, 410 kilometers from Noumea. The CROSS NC held a medical conference with the crew and the Maritime Medical Consultation Centre (CCMM) in Toulouse, which confirmed the need to evacuate the passenger to a hospital within 24 hours. In conjunction with the SAMU of New Caledonia and the SNSM station in Noumea, it was decided that the ship, which was en route to Sydney, would make a detour via New Caledonia so that the passenger could be treated by the territory's medical facilities. After leaving its anchorage on the late afternoon, the vessel arrived in Noumea on Jan 20 at 5:30 a.m., where the passenger was picked up at sea by the launch 'Nautile' from the SNSM station. He was then taken care of by an ambulance at 6:20 a.m.
On Jan 18, 2025, at 6 a.m. WIB, the 'Suryani Ladjoni', en route from Banjarmasin to Surabaya, suffered a leak at the bottom and started to list 25° to port side in the northern waters of Madura Island in pos. 06°28'026" S 113°33'619" E. The captain called the m/v 'Palung Mas' for assistance, reporting the situation. The ship anchored 2.5 cables away from the 'Suryani Ladjoni' but, due to unfavourable weather conditions, which were hindering the rescue process, raised anchor and coordinated with the captain of the 'Suryani Ladjoni' to disembark the crew into liferafts. After all crew members had successfully boarded the liferafts, the 'Palung Mas' maneuvered closer to provide assistance. At 08.45 LT, all castaways were safely evacuated onto the 'Palung Mas' and transported to Teluk Lamong Port, where they arrived at 6 p.m. The response was coordinated with relevant agencies, such as the Tanjung Perak Main Port Authority (KSOP Utama), SROP Masalembu, VTS Surabaya, and SROP Surabaya; Patrol vessels from the Tanjung Perak PLP Base were deployed, including the 'Grantin-P 211' at Panarukan Port, as well as the 'KNP 371' and 'KNP 329' from Mirah Pier, Surabaya. The Maritime Coordination Center (MCC) of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation was gathering further information on the causes and impacts of the incident regarding marine pollution and material losses The SROP Masalembu and SROP/VTS Surabaya issued a securité broadcast to vessels transiting the area, warning of the ship, which was drifting eastward at a speed of 0.2 knots. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYcSDTIo8Pc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo9aFSzH6vA
The 'Isle of Innisfree', which had berthed at Fishguard Harbour and was due to leave for a crossing to the Dublin at 5.30 p.m. on Jan 17, 2025,, with an ETA as of 11 p.m., remained in port as it had suffered a technical issue upon the arrival at the port earlier and was now deemed unsafe to carry passengers until the issue was resolved. The intention was for the ship to depart for Dublin as soon as is possible. All passengers were being kept fully informed of progress of repairs.
The US Coast Guard medevaced an ailing man from the 'Captain Davis' 40 nautical miles off Oahu on Jan 20, 2025. Joint Rescue Coordination Center Honolulu watchstanders received notification on Jan 18 at 4:30 p.m. from the ship that a 34-year-old crew member had suffered an eye injury approximately 350 miles southwest of Oahu. Watchstanders consulted with the duty flight surgeon, who recommended a medevac. On Jan 20 at 6 a.m. Monday, an HC-130 Hercules airplane and an MH-65 Dolphin helicopter from the Coast Guard Air Station Barbers Point rendezvoused with the fishing vessel about 40 nautical miles southwest of Kapolei, Hawaii. The helicopter hoisted the victim and transported him to Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu. The was is reportedly in stable condition.
On Jan 21, 2025, the 'Shandong Mission', en route from Singaore to Port Hedland, was in collision with the tug 'Sinhin 5' (MMSI: 533170196) and its barge, en route from Port Klang to Kinabalu, in the northern Horsburgh waters in pos. 01° 27.300' N 104° 31.500' E. At 09:46 a.m. LT, the 'Shandong Mission' was detected drifting in Indonesian waters. Upon being contacted, the vessel reported a damage resulting from a collision with the 'Sinhin 5', At 09:49 a,m, the tug confirmed that its portside hull had suffered damage, causing a leakage. At 10:06 a.m. the ÄShandong Mission' reported a minor damage to its starboard side bow, with no leakage. The ship was declared seaworthy and ready to continue its voyage. At 10:08 a.m. the VTS Batam contacted the Tanjung Uban PLP Base and Tanjung Uban Port Authority (UPP) for further coordination of the incident. At 10:12 a.m. the 'Sinhin 5' reported an ongoing leakage, causing some of its white brick cargo to fall into the sea. The vessel's tilt was estimated at 10°–15°. At 11:12 a.m. a documentation of the 'Sinhin 5's condition was received from the passing vessel 'Nur Huda'. At 11:48 a.m. the VTS Batam issued a Notice to Mariners (NTM). At 11:59a.m. the 'Sinhin 5' reported a change in route, returning to Johor with a towing line of 150 meters, and canceling its voyage to Kota Kinabalu. At 12:19 p.m. the Shandong Mission' continued its voyage to the port of destination with an ETA as of Jan 26. Report with photo: https://hubla.dephub.go.id/indonesianmaritimesafetyinformation/page/news/read/24745/insiden-mv-shandong-mission-menabrak-barge-tb-sinhin-5-diperairan-utara-horsburg-incident-of-mv-shandong-mission-colliding-with-barge-tb-sinhin-5-in-northern-horsburgh-waters
On Jan 18, 2025, a person fell ill and needed to be medevaced from the 'Color Magic', en route from Kiel to Oslo, while the ferry was sailing off Anholt island. At 1027 p.m. the rescue helicopter from Aalborg arrived on site and hoisted the patient, who was flown to the hospital in Aalborg. further for medical care.
On Jan 9, 2025:, the 'Everest' was detained in Kocaeli with 31 deficiencies, six of which being regarded as seriously and grounds for a detention: 1) Safety of navigation - BNWAS Missing 2) Structural conditions - Hull - Cracking Cracked 3) Structural conditions - Beams, frames, floors op.damage Cracked 4) Water/Weathertight - Ventilators, air pipes and casings Not as required 5) Emergency systems - Emergency source of power, emergency generator Inoperative 6) ISM - Ism certificate Not as required The vessel was released again on Jan 17 and left the port en route to Sulina with an ETA as of Jan 20. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063576908591
On Jan 20, 2025, at 6.43 a.m. a barge, pushed by the 'Hansa' (MMSI: 211760410), en route from Braunschweig, was in collision with the 'Övelgönne", serving between the stations "Hamburg-Finkenwerder" and "Landungsbrücken", which was en route from Finkenwerder to the Dockland pier, on the Northern Elbe with 25 passengers on board. The ferry ended up in the middle between the pushed convoy. One man who was sitting directly at the window was critically injured by flying debris and remained unconscious. Others cared for the man. Because of the broken windows, water kept coming through the waves into the interior of the ferry, causing several passengers to suffer hypothermia. In addition to the man with critical injuries, one other person was seriously injured and nine others were slightly injured. The other 14 people on board were uninjured, but suffered from shock. The ferry's hull suffered a breach at starboard side above the waterline, windows were shattered and interior destroyed, but the stability of the vessel was not affected, and no spills were reported. Paramedics took care of the injured on board. The fire brigade attended the scene of the accident with large contingents and fire boats. After the accident, both ships headed for the Dockland pier. Firefighters boarded the ship and brought the injured - passengers and crew - ashore. Paramedics and emergency doctors cared for the injured and took them to nearby hospitals. In total, more than 55 emergency personnel arrived. The Dockland pier was closed for rescue operations, but other ferry operations remained unaffected. Heavy equipment was also deployed by the rescue workers. The accident happened in dense fog. The 'Hanse' berthed in Waltershof after the accident. The water police and a ship accident investigation team (EGS) have begun their initial investigations on site. Both captains were questioned by the water police on site and also take a breathalyzer test, which both of them tested negative. Reports with photos and video: https://hamburg.t-online.de/region/hamburg/id_100578352/hamburg-hadag-faehre-rammt-tankschiff-zahlreiche-verletzte.html https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/panorama/ungluecke/id_100578354/unfall-in-hamburg-schute-stoesst-auf-elbe-gegen-faehre-elf-verletzte.html https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/hamburg/Schwerverletzter-nach-Unfall-mit-Hafenfaehre,video12178.html https://www.mopo.de/hamburg/polizei/unfall-mit-hafenfaehre-mehrere-verletzte/
The 'Suryani Ladjoni' was arrested, being suspected of committing violations in the shipping sector due to incomplete documents. The arrest took place in pos. 01°54’09” N 125°02’29” E in Talise Waters, North Sulawesi, on Aug 5, 2024 by the High Speed Craft '32-03 Bakamla RI', which was conducting an independent patrol in the context of the Security, Safety, and Law Enforcement Patrol in Indonesian Waters and Indonesian Jurisdiction Areas. The crew saw suspicious activity from the KM 'Suryani Ladjoni'. After an inspection, several violations were found, including, (1) The ship was not equipped with a National Certificate for Fuel Oil Pollution Compensation Guarantee Fund and a National Certificate for Ship Wreck Removal Compensation Guarantee Fund. (2) The ship's sailing area is still A1, but its operations should be A1+A2 considering the sailing route is more than 300 NM. (3) The EPIRB and SART devices have expired, the Navtex device is not functioning, and the EPIRB device has not been registered with Basarnas. (4) The AIS device has not been registered with the Ministry of Communication and Information, the GMDSS device is not available, and there is a mechanical cadet named Sayyid Rindra Jaya who is not listed in the certificate book. For these violations, the Bakamla RI Legal Enforcement Unit and his team immediately handed over the case to the Lantamal VIII Manado Investigator.