On Jan 20 at around noon the ferry 'Övelgönne' left the Dockland Pier and headed to Finkenwerder, where she berthed at the Cölln Shipyard for permanent repairs of the collision damage. The 'Hanse' left Hamburg on Jan 21 at 3.30 p.m. en route towards the Elbe Side Canal, which it entered on the morning of Jan 22. Report with photo: https://www.sylent-press.de/2025/01/21/nach-der-kollision-der-hadagfaehre-oevelgoenneliegt-sie-in-finkenwerder/
On the morning of Jan 21, 2025. the 'Gabriella' suffered a technical failure in Helsinki and remained sidelined for repairs. As a consequence, the scheduled sailings from Helsinki to Tallinn at 103. a.m,. and from Tallinn to Helsinki at 5 p.m. had to be cancelled, Ther operator Viking Line contacted all affected customers.
On Jan 20 at around noon the 'Övelgönne' left the Dockland Pier and headed to Finkenwerder, where she berthed at the Cölln Shipyard for permanent repairs of the collision damage. The 'Hanse' left Hamburg on Jan 21 at 3.30 p.m. en route towards the Elbe Side Canal, which it entered on the morning of Jan 22. Report with photo: https://www.sylent-press.de/2025/01/21/nach-der-kollision-der-hadagfaehre-oevelgoenneliegt-sie-in-finkenwerder/
Photo from stranded : https://www.shipspotting.com/photos/3800269?navList=homeMostPopular
On the night of Jan 20, the 'Ocean Viking' rescued 85 people, including three newborns and three pregnant women, who were on board a dinghy that ran into trouble in the Libyan SAR zone. One of the migrants was also a young teen. Their boat was extremely overcrowded and was reaching a breaking point after taking on water. Authorities assigned Genova as a port to disembark the migrants, forcing the 'Ocean Viking' to undertake a four-day-long journey far from the area. The government of Premier Giorgia Meloni has promoted a practice of sending NGO rescue ships operating in the Central Mediterranean to ports far from the SAR area, ostensibly in order to take pressure off Sicilian ports and reception facilities.