On March 13, 2025, at 1:51 p.m., there was smoke development aboard the 'RP Praag' while sailing on the Rhine near Düsseldorf-Volmerswerth near Grimlingshausen at river kilometre 733. The captain reported a flash fire in the engine room and smoke coming from the engine room. When the first rescue boat arrived from Neuss, the engine room was already heavily filled with smoke, but open flames were no longer visible. A team of fire fighters, wearing breathing apparatus, entered the engine room to investigate, while another team assisted the crew of the unloaded tankerl. After a thorough inspection, no further fire spread was detected. The fire had extinguished itself. The affected area was nevertheless further inspected for possible embers, and finally smoke was ventilated using a positive pressure fan. A crew member of the ship suffered smoke inhalation and was treated on board by the crew of an ambulance, which was brought aboard from the marina by the Neuss rescue boat. The injured person was then removed from the ship and transported by ambulance to a hospital for further medical treatment. A total of 20 emergency personnel were on scene, spending approximately four hours fighting the fire, clearing smoke, and rescuing the injured person. The Water Police have begun an investigation into the cause of the fire, which was thought to have been a heat buildup in the engine room. After consultation with the Waterways Authority, the vessel resumed sailing at 4.30 p.m. and was berthed in the port of Neuss at 6.20 p.m. The incident did not result in any restrictions for shipping. Water police officers have filed a shipping accident report and begun investigating the cause of the fire. Report with photo: https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/122045/5990501
ARMADA 78 01
On March 12, 2025, just before 11.30 a.m. the police, an ambulance and three fire appliances were called out to a fire on board the 'Armada 78-01', which was berthed in Lerwick at the Greenhead Base. The small fire in the galley of the ship was already extinguished by the ship’s crew, consisting of Ukrainian,-Croatian-and Filipino nationals, but but there was still some smoke in the galley. Two of the crew members were treated on scene by the ambulance service but were released with suspected light smoke inhalation. The vessel was in Lerwick mobilising for work in the Brent oilfield North-East of Shetland. Reports with photos: https://www.shetnews.co.uk/2025/03/13/fire-service-called-offshore-ship/ https://www.shetlandtimes.co.uk/2025/03/13/emergency-services-called-to-small-fire-on-offshore-support-vessel-in-lerwick
12 Red Funnel vehicle services of the 'Red Falcon' on the Isle of Wight were cancelled on March 14 as further repairs were required on the ferry, which was taken out of service after finding a fault with her propulsion system. The 6 a.m., 9am, 12 p.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. departures from East Cowes and the 4.30 a.m., 7.30 a.m., 10.30 a.m., 1.30 p.m., 4.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. sailings from Southampton were called off. Red Funnel teams were working around the clock with external contractors to address the issue, with further works necessary (including realigning of the engine timings, before sea trials can commence, which are currently scheduled for March 15.
A fire broke out aboard the tanker 'Ronggolawe 09' (MMSI: 525501884), while conducting an unauthorized fuel transfer in the waters near Lamongan on March 13, 2025. Four crew members went missing and were still being searched for. The tanker was sailing from Gresik to Lamongan with 11 crew members on board and started the STS of 25 tons of high-speed diesel (HSD) fuel to the 'Rosalyn 08' without official authorization at 05:30 a.m. WIB, At around 06:00 a.m. an explosion occurred, followed by massive flames in tank no. 3 and engulfing also the 'Rosalin 08 and the TK 'Joecline 08'. All crew members were forced to jump into the sea, while the 'Ronggolawe 09' drifted eastward with the fire still raging. The fire on the tug was eventually extinguished at 10:00 a.m. by the tug 'Pinguin 02'. By 12:30 p.m. the fire on the 'Ronggolawe 09' was beginning to be brought under control. The KSOP Class III Tanjung Pakis immediately coordinated with the Lamongan Police Water Unit (Satpolair Res Lamongan), the ship’s agency, and other relevant stakeholders. Several assistance vessels were deployed, including the tug 'Prameswari 01' from PT Pertamina EP Sukowati, the CB 'Manta' from the Tersus Tuban Marine Terminal, the 'Etzomer 504' from the ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd. and the tug 'Servewell Stable' from the PT Lamongan Shorebase. The tugs 'Tanjung Bahari' and 'Servewell Stable' successfully put out the fire on the 'Rosalina 08', which was towing the TK 'Joecline 08'. The KSOP also took charge of evacuating victims and searching for missing crew members while monitoring the 'Ronggolawe 09', which was drifting at a speed of 1-2 knots. Rescue teams continued to search for the missing crew members and investigating the cause of the explosion and the extent of the damages resulting from the incident. Report with photos: https://hubla.dephub.go.id/Indonesianmaritimesafetyinformation/page/news/read/25043/kebakaran-di-mt-ronggolawe-09-saat-transfer-bbm-empat-abk-hilang-fire-on-mt-ronggolawe-09-during-fuel-transfer-four-crew-members-missing
The Canary Islands Directorate General of Emergencies has extended the high-risk marine pollution alert to five municipalities of Gran Canaria after the 'Montes y Sabino' sank 3.5 miles off the coast. The alert has been in effect since March 13 at 9:45 a.m. for the municipalities of Telde, Ingenio, Agüimes, Santa Lucía de Tirajana, and San Bartolomé de Tirajana. This decision has been made in response to the incident and in accordance with the Territorial Emergency Plan for Civil Protection of the Canary Islands (PLATECA). Salvamento Marítimo have confirmed the presence of an oil slick measuring between 100 and 150 metres in width and extending for one mile south of the incident site, approximately four miles east of the Port of Arinaga. Surface winds from the north-northwest were forecast throughout the day, with moderate speeds between 20 and 30 kilometres per hour. During daylight hours, the wind intensity was expected to weaken, becoming light and variable in direction. Meanwhile, north-westerly swells between one and two metres in height were anticipated to persist throughout the day. In response to the environmental risk, the Spanish central government has activated the National Maritime Plan at Emergency Phase Situation 1, maintaining vigilance over the affected area.