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Repair in El Ferrol
The"Whitstar" which had broken down West of Penmarc'h Point, coming from Flushing, berthed at the Navantia Yard in El Ferrol on Aug 8 at 7.15 a.m. for repairs. It sailed again at 9.15 p.m. and headed to Southampton. She arrived in Southampton on Aug 12 and left again on Aug 23 bound to Rotterdam. It berthed at Shell Pernis on Aug 25 at 2.30 a.m.
Tanker adrift and taken in tow off Penmarc'h
On Aug 3, 2017, at 3:07 a.m. the CROSS Etel in Morbihan, received a distress call from the "Whitstar" which had broken down West of Penmarc'h Point, coming from Flushing. The ship was bound to Ferrol when it suffered an electrical failure and subsequent propulsion loss. The ship with a crew of eight on board and more than 2,500 tons of hydrocarbons in the cargo holds went adrift. At 6.15 a.m., the emergency tug "Abeille Bourbon" left the port of Camaret. Around 8 a.m., it arrived at the tanker. On the order of the Maritime Prefect of the Atlantic, the owner of the tanker was summoned to settle the situation before noon. In the morning hours the propulsion could be regained so far that the ship could proceed to the port Brest for permanent repairs. As a precaution, it was finally taken in tow by the "Abeille Bourbon". The convoy reached Brest during the evening hours, and the ship was moored on the port's anchorage around midnight. The ship's crew was currently awaiting the decision of experts on board who will determine whether the ship can be repaired on site or has to be docked. French report with photo: http://www.letelegramme.fr/finistere/petrolier-une-panne-electrique-a-l-origine-des-problemes-05-08-2017-11619821.php
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