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Ferry suffered engine trouble
A problem with the engine of the 'Queen of New Westminster' has prompted the cancellation of nearly 30 scheduled sailings on the Swartz Bay - Tsawwassen route between Sep 4 and Sep 8. The mechanical difficulty was discovered on Sep 3 on the 6 a.m. sailing to Vancouver Island, and the vessel was returned to Vancouver for repairs. As a result, initially seven scheduled sailings were called off. On the evening, BC Ferries announced further cancellations starting Sep 4. Other sailings on this route were expected to proceed as scheduled.
Ferry suffered technical issue
Mechanical problems with the 'Queen of New Westminster’s starboard rudder cancelled a couple of morning sailings between Vancouver and Victoria on July 4, 2024. The 6 a.m. departure from Tsawwassen and the 8 a.m. departure from Swartz Bay were cancelled. The 10 a.m. sailing from Tsawwassen to Swartz Bay went ahead as scheduled after repairs were made. Anyone who booked on one of the cancelled sailingshad their reservation honoured on a first-arrived first-loaded basis at the terminal.
Many sailings cancelled due to technical issue
B.C. Ferries had to cancel sailings between Victoria and Vancouver due to a mechanical issue aboard the 'Queen of New Westminster' on Feb 22, Feb 23 and Feb 25 due to a mechanical difficulty with the rudder of the vessel. “Divers investigated the problem, and replacement parts were set to arrive within the next few days. B.C. Ferries tried to reschedule travellers on alternate sailings if they have a reservation, or offered them a refund if no alternative is possible. The ship has remained sidelined at the Tsawassen Ferry Terminal in Vancouver since Feb 20 at 8.40 a.m. UTC.
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