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Damen delivers Stan Launches for Multraship boatmen
Leading towage and salvage operator Multraship has taken delivery of the first of two customised Damen Stan Launch 804s vessels for its line handling and boatmen service companies in Terneuzen, the Netherlands. Verenigde Bootlieden B.V. and Montis Mooring & Boatservice B.V. will use the highly manoeuvrable vessels to support safe and effective port operations. In December Damen Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam in the Netherlands delivered the first Stan Launch 804s, Montis 5, and the second vessel, VB 2, will be delivered in early February after 16 weeks under construction. To meet the client’s requirements, Damen’s design and engineering team at its Maaskant yard customised the proven 8.62-metre Stan Launch 804 design – increasing the standard bollard pull from 1.4 tonnes to 3.2 tonnes, adding an 11 kW bow thruster, a ø900 mm nozzle propeller and more than doubling the installed power to 182 kW.
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