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Protest against soy import
On Aug 4, 2019, Greenpeace activists using 19 rubber boats, a paraglider and a drone boarded the "Hiroshima Star" during its approach of Brake, coming from Aratu, to protest against the import of soy food. In the early morning they painted the words "Climate Crime" on the hull and fixed a banner at a cargo crane. Special teams of the police removed 19 activists from the crane. The operation was terminated at 5.30 p.m. German reports with photos: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/oldenburg_ostfriesland/Brake-Greenpeace-bemalt-aus-Protest-Soja-Frachter,greenpeace560.html https://www.weser-kurier.de/deutschland-welt/deutschland-welt-politik_artikel,-warum-umweltaktivisten-gegen-den-import-von-soja-protestieren-_arid,1850023.html https://www.nwzonline.de/brake/brake-gegen-soja-importe-greenpeace-aktivisten-protestieren-in-brake_a_50,5,1993091854.html
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