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Grounding near Sandnessjøen
In the evening of Feb 3, 2021, the ‘Nærøybuen - M-55-HØ‘ ran aground south of Sandnessjøen. The skipper from Fosnavåg sailed straight onto the rocks during high tide. When the tide was dropping, the ship started to tip over to port. The Norwegian Coastguard was alerted and sent the patrol boat ‘Heimdal‘ to the grounding site around 6 p.m. It was 130 kilometers north of the position. Therefore the light boat ‘Sjøbjørn‘ was sent ahead with salvage equipment. An hour later, the 'Heimdal' also arrived. The first thing to do was to stabilize the damaged cutter because of the severe heel. To do this, it was tied to nearby trees. A crack in the bow was sealed with around five kilos of margarine from the galley of the patrol boat. Since it hardened quickly in the cold, it was a good material to patch the breach. On Feb 4 around 4 a.m. vessel was towed free again by the ‘Sjøbjørn‘ with the rising tide. Then it turned out that there were several more holes in the hull. However, the ingress of water could be kept under control with bilge pumps. With its own engine, the cutter then set course for the Slipen Mekaniske in Sandnessjøen Coastguard personnel kept the water ingress under control during the transit. After arriving in port, the 'Nærøybuen' was pulled out of the water for grease-free repairs. Report with photos: https://www.fiskeribladet.no/nyheter/kystvakten-brukte-margarin-for-a-redde-landfast-sjark/2-1-957928
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