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Medevac off Cuxhavewn
On the evening of Feb 1, 2025, a seriously ill passenger who urgently needed medical help, had to be medevaced from the 'Aidavnova', en route from Hamburg to Rotterdam in the Elbe estuary at the height of Otterndorf near Cuxhaven, At around 9.45 p.m., the "Aidanova" reported the emergency to the MRCC in Bremen. The lifeboat 'Anneliese Kramer' was deployed from the DGzRS station Cuxhaven with an emergency doctor and two emergency paramedics from the Cuxhaven fire brigade on board. The Alifeboat headed for the "Aidanova" in thick fog with a visibility of less than one cable. Structural features of the cruise ship with protruding parts made the rendezvous between the two ships difficult, so it stopped off Cuxhaven before the 'Annelise Kramer' went alongside. The emergency doctor and the paramedics boarded the cruise ship in calm seas. They first stabilized the 70-year-old man on board the cruise ship. He was then transferred onto the lifeboat on a special stretcher. In Cuxhaven he was handed tver to the land rescue service for further transport to hospital. The 'Aidanova' continued its voyage and arrived in the next port of destination on Feb 3. Report with photo:
Medevac off Laboe
Short after the departure from Kiel, the captain of the "Aida Nova" reported to the MRCC in Bremen on Oct 19 at around 8 p.m. on the Baltic Sea, that an eleven-year-old girl had fractured her forearm and needed to be medevaced. The lifeboat 'Berlin' was deployed from the Laboe station of the DGzRS and picked up the child and her mother from the "Aida Nova". At the time of the trasfer, the ship was about two nautical miles northeast of Kiel Lighthouse. The cruise ship, on its way from Oslo, had turned around and headed toward the 'Berlin' for a faster handover. At 9.30 p.m., the sea rescuers handed the child and her mother over to a waiting ambulance in Laboe. Report with photo:
Medevac off Rydebäck
The 'Aidanova', en route from Cppenhagen to Kristiansand, stopped at Rydebäck during its northbound transit through the Öre Sound on July 1, 2024. A crew member had fallen ill. A helicopter was sent from Denmark and took the person to a hospital in Copenhagen. The ship was a 14-day voyage that had set off in the port of Kiel on June 29. Report with photo:
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