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Long range medevac off Dutch Harbor
The US Coast Guard medevaced a 48-year-old man approximately 60 nautical miles south of Dutch Harbor, Alaska, from the 'YM Uniformity' en route from Keelung on Sep 2, 2022. Watchstanders from the 17th Coast Guard District command center received a report on Au 31 at approximately 9:20 a.m. from the vessel that the crew member was experiencing chest pain. Watchstanders directed the ship, which was approximately 1,250 nautical miles southwest of Dutch Harbor, to make way to the rendezvous location. An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter of the Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak crew arrived on scene on Sep 2 at approximately 9:52 a.m., hoisted the patient, and transported him to an awaiting LifeMed Alaska air ambulance in Cold Bay.
Container ship sailing again after explosion
The "YM Uniformity" has resumed its voyage from Hamburg to Rotterdam and has an ETA of May 20, 1.30 p.m. now. Investigators found out that first smoke had emerged from the boiler which was shut down then. When the crew started it again it exploded.
Boiler explosion on the Elbe
One crew member of the "YM Uniformity" was severely injured in a boiler explosion aboard the "YM Uniformity"" in the night of May 19, 2014, in the Elbe estuary. The Taiwanese machinist was recovered by a helicopter and treated in hospital. The lifeboat "Hermann Helms" from the DGzRS station took a medical and fire fighters aboard the vessel. The patient was stabilized before being medevaced. First on scene was the police boat "Bürgermeister Brauer" attended and transferred two officers on board. Also the lifeboat "Hermann Marwede" was on scene. The fire brigade Cuxhaven ensured that no further intervention was needed. The "YM Uniformity" anchored off Cuxhaven. The ship was underway from Hamburg to Rotterdam. German report with photos: http://www.seenotretter.de/presse/pressemitteilungen-im-detail/article/ein-schwerverletzter-bei-explosion-auf-containerschiff-in-der-aussenelbe.html
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