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Bulkcarrier suspected of breaching Japanese trading with North Korea
The "Ocean Skipper" that recently made a port call in Japan may have breached a ban imposed by Tokyo on the entry of third-country ships that had earlier visited North Korea. A crew member from the vessel told the Japanese police that the ship called at the North Korean port of Rajin in January and February, loaded some tenthousand of tonnes of coal each time and shipped them to China. If the statement was true, the vessel has violated Japan’s unilateral sanctions against Pyongyang, which, among other things, prohibit any ship from entering a Japanese port if it made a previous stop in North Korea. But the Japanese police allowed the "Ocean Skipper" to depart without initiating necessary procedures for a criminal case. The vessel’s captain could have faced up to three years in prison or US$26,600 in fines. The crew member was questioned by police at Chiba Port, southeast of Tokyo, where the vessel docked at Nov 3, 2017. The police also found records of the coal shipments from Rajin to China on the vessel. The "Ocean Skipper" left for Singapore on Nov 13 after loading around 40,000 tonnes of slag. A ship that enters a port in Japan must relay its latest 10 port stops to the Japan Coast Guard. The ship’s call at Rajin was not reported by the "Ocean Skipper". Japan imposed an entry ban on third-party ships that called in North Korea after a government decision in February 2016.
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