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Investigation report into fire published
On Jan 15, 2025, the Federal Bureau of Maritime Accident Investigation (BSU) has published the investigation report on the fire on board the "Wotan" seven nautical miles west of Büsum in the Süderpiep on Aug 18, 2023. The ship sank, the crew was rescued, and the vessel was later recovered with the floating crane "Enak". Experts from the BSU had inspected the partially burnt-out wreck of the shrimp cutter. The exact cause of the fire could ultimately not be determined. The lack of a fire alarm system on board and an anchor watch or fire patrol contributed to the fire only being discovered at a stage where it was no longer possible for the two crew members to react, who were taking a break at the time the fire broke out in the engine room. When the captain discovered the fire by chance, the flames had already spread to the entire engine room and the open companionway. The crew took refuge in a life raft and was rescued by the slifeboat "Theodor Storm" after an emergency call. At the scene of the accident, there was a spill of diesel fuel and hydraulic oil. During the investigation, the BSU identified security gaps in relation to the watch service, fire protection, emergency preparedness and the crew of both the "Wotan" and comparable fishing vessels, the inspection system of the Professional Traffic Association and applicable safety regulations for fishing vessels up to 24 meters length sailing under the German flag. Accordingly, safety recommendations were sent to the Federal Ministry of Transport and the association. These included in particular recommendations on emergency preparedness, such as safety training and continuous, regular training for the entire crew. In addition, regulatory gaps in the operating, construction and equipment regulations for fishing vessels up to 24 meters length must be closed. In addition, a security service should be ensured at all times. The BG Verkehr should refrain from dispensing with fire detection and display systems on fishing vessels. Existing systems should also be checked intensively during inspections. Full report: https://www.bsu-bund.de/SharedDocs/pdf/DE/Unfallberichte/2025/Untersuchungsbericht_444_23.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=3
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