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Tanker refloated in the early afternoon
The "Oriental Nadeshiko" was refloated already before the high tide at 1.15 p.m. after 600 tons ballast water were pumped out, by the tugs "Wulf 9", "Wulf 4",, "Bugsier 2", "Bugsier 20", "Bugsier 22" and "Wal". The convoy was escorted by the lifeboat "Anneliese Kramer" and the multi purpose ship "Neuwerk". The reason why the ship with a crew of 22 and a pilot on board strayed off the fairway of the Elbe in a bend was unclear. The convoy headed with four knots towards Cuxhaven, and the ship was safely berthed at the Steubenhöft at 2.50 p.m. for investigations and surveys. The tanker was loaded with 7,500 tonnes of ethylene dichloride, 1,250 tonnes of 1,2-propylene glycol as well as 250 tons of 1-methoxy-2-propanole dichloride used as an antiknock agent for fuels, 1,250 tonnes of 1,2-propylene glycol as well as 250 tons of 1-methoxy-2-propanol. The tanker left Cuxhaven after surveys and investigations on Jan 23 at 3.30 p.m. It arrived in the oil port of Barcelona on Jan 31 at 6.30 a.m. Reports with photos and video: https://www.nwzonline.de/blaulicht/cuxhaven-havarie-vor-cuxhaven-gefahrgut-tanker-in-der-elbe-erfolgreich-freigeschleppt_a_50,3,3233127096.html http://www.kn-online.de/Nachrichten/Schleswig-Holstein/Nach-Havarie-in-der-Elbmuendung-Die-Oriental-Nadeshiko-schwimmt-wieder https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/oldenburg_ostfriesland/Cuxhaven-Havarierter-Tanker-ist-wieder-frei,tanker214.html https://www.cnv-medien.de/news/havarierter-tanker-sicher-in-cuxhaven-angekommen.html http://www.kn-online.de/Nachrichten/Schleswig-Holstein/Nach-Havarie-in-der-Elbmuendung-Die-Oriental-Nadeshiko-schwimmt-wieder?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR1-v67Oh4RDZw2JWZHHck-PNgQA6sfiH7pAYFrQNA_kDN-5aOn4qbYvsvA#Echobox=1548084404 http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/cuxhaven-auf-grund-gelaufener-gefahrguttanker-wieder-frei-a-1249127.html
Tanker grounded on the Elbe
The "Oriental Nadeshiko" ran aground off Cuxhaven on Jan 21, 2019, around 1 a.m. at the edge of the Elbe fairway in pos. 53° 51.00' N 008° 52.18' E. The ship had sailed with a cargo of 9.000 tons chemicals for the production of solvents, printing inks and varnishes, from the Elbe Port in Bützfleth on Jan 20 at 9.45 p.m. bound to Tarragona with an ETA as of Jan 28. On board was a crew of 22 and a pilot. The Central Command for Maritime Emergencies in Cuxhaven took over the coordination of the salvage. The multi purpose ship "Neuwerk" was tasked with the on scene command and the tugs "Wulf 9" and "Wulf 4" as well as the survey boat "Stickers Gat" and the survey ship "Vogelsand" were mobilized to the scene. At noon also the lifeboat "Anneliese Kramer" as well as the tugs "Bugsier 2", "Bugsier 20", "Bugsier 22" and "Wal" had joined the scene. An initial salvage attempt was due to start with the high tide at 1.30 p.m. German reports with photos and video: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/oldenburg_ostfriesland/Tanker-bei-Cuxhaven-auf-Grund-Bergung-am-Mittag,tanker214.html http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/gesellschaft/cuxhaven-bergung-von-auf-grund-gelaufenem-gefahrguttanker-wird-vorbereitet-a-1249086.html https://www.wiwo.de/unternehmen/industrie/havarie-gefahrgut-tanker-laeuft-vor-cuxhaven-auf-grund/23889542.html https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/panorama/id_85119530/cuxhaven-tanker-mit-9000-tonnen-gefahrgut-laeuft-auf-grund.html https://www.merkur.de/welt/cuxhaven-gefahrgut-tanker-laeuft-grund-moegliche-folgen-sind-beaengstigend-zr-11385990.html https://www.n-tv.de/panorama/Tanker-laeuft-in-der-Elbe-auf-Grund-article20820135.html
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