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Ship abandoned off Hvide Sande
On July 5, 2019, the "Helot" developed a list of 45 degrees to port side about 50 kilometers off Hvide Sande. The ship was wallowing in a swell of two meters with a crew of sx on board. At 1.45 pp.m. the six crew were aboard one of the rescue boats from Hvide Sande Rescue Station. A rescue helicopter was deployed from Skrydstrup. also a Dutch merchant ship was nearby to assist. The rescue vessels started to drain the water. The helicopter also provided pumps. The "Emile Robin" towed the vessel to port of Hvide Sande. On the way to the port, the cutter was straightened up and could be docked in the night. The rescuers, with the help of the fishermen, continued to pump water out until 11 p.m. The six Poles were accommodated in the hostel. The trawler left the port again after repairs on Aug 26 at 3.30 a.m. and headed to crab fishing grounds in the North Sea. Danish reports with photos: https://dbrs.dk/artikel/lykkelig-afslutning-p%C3%A5-stort-drama-polsk-kutter-i-havn-og-seks-bes%C3%A6tningsmedlemmer-overlever https://www.tvmidtvest.dk/artikel/redningsaktion-i-gang-ud-hvide-sandes-kyst https://fiskerforum.dk/stoerre-redningsaktion-i-gang-i-nordsoeen-sydvest-for-hvide-sande/
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