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Fishing vessel grounded off Ameland
On Mar 30, 2016 at 11.26 p.m. the "Henderika - WI 4" was disabled and ran aground off Ameland. The ship was retrieving nets when a breaker caused the ship to leen on ots side and drift over the own nets which fouled the propeller. To get the nets removed the ship had to stop hthe engine but ran aground within a few moments. Because the nets were still sitting underneath the hull, there was no chance but to call for assistance. The KNRM-lifeboat "Frans Hogewind" from Terschelling was underway a few minutes after the initial call of the crew and was able to connect a towing wire to the stern. The lifeboat was able to pull the vessel off the beach. The lifeboat "Anna Margaretha" of the KNRM-station Ameland Ballumerbocht was tasked too by the Coastguard and conncected to the bow after arriving on the sport. The forward movement washed the nets and ropes free from the rudder and propeller and the ship headed to Lauwersoog. Dutch report with photos: https://www.knrm.nl/waar-wij-zijn/reddingstations/terschelling/reddingrapporten/kotter-gestrand-bij-ameland-64a5b5b3b4
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