1527 days ago
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Report: Catastrophic engine failure led to a fire
The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has issued a report into a fire on the "Windcat 8" off the Lincolnshire coast in September 2017. The MAIB said a catastrophic engine failure led to a fire on the vessel. The fixed firefighting system was operated, but it was ineffective because not all the engine space vents had been closed. The fire caused only minor damage and eventually extinguished when it ran out of fuel. There were no injuries to the two crew or the 12 embarked wind turbine technicians. The MAIB said the safety of the embarked technicians was given a high priority. The MAIB said that damage to the port engine was caused by the failure of a piston connecting rod big end shell bearing. The fire resulted from the ignition of oil vapour released from the damaged engine. The initial high oil temperature alarm prior to the engine failure warranted a more cautious approach until a deeper technical investigation could be conducted. The vessel’s operator has been recommended to provide training and guidance to its crew on the action to be taken in the event of critical propulsion alarms, and to ensure they are familiar with the use of fixed fire-fighting systems.
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