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Allision in Cologne
In the early morning of Jan 10, 2017, the "Vera", 1452 ts (ENI-No.: 2104810; MMSI-No.: 244660542; CS: PI3906), jointly with the roro barge "Roro 1", 986 ts (ENI-No.: 2317261) enroute from Gorinchem to Mannheim, allided with the southern railway bridge crossing the Rhine in Cologne. The roro ramp of the vessel hit against a service wagon underneath the bridge only short time after the Rhine had been reopened for ship traffic following a days long closure as the water level had started to drop again. The bridge was closed for railway traffic for investigations by experts, but could be reopened two hours later. The barges headed to the Rheinau Port in Cologne where they berthed at 4.15 a.m. for further inspections. They continued the voyage to Rotterdam, arriving there on Jan 11 around 2 a.m. At 3 p.m. the barges berthed in Papendrecht. German report with photo:
Fire on barge in Mannheim
On Feb 9, 2015, at 12.30 p.m. a fire broke out in the engine room of the "Vera", 1452 ts (EU-No.: 2104810), which was berthed in the Rheinau Port in Mannheim. The fire brigade and a fire boat attended to the fire in basin 24, also a diver Group was mobilized as well as two boats of the German Life Saving Society (DLRG) with 15 volunteers. Within a few minutes the fire could be extinguished. No one was injured. The ship was underway with the barges "Ro-Ro 1" and "Ro-Ro 2". Experts were investigating the cause of the fire and the damage caused. German reports with photos:
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