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Ship hampered by anchor gear
The portside anchor of the "VEla" with all 330-meters long cable inadvertently dropped on Aug 11, 2018, in the Maldives area in the Indian Ocean. The ship was en route from Singapore to Damietta. The anchor and chain however, were not lost, but remained dangling in the water, hampered the ship both in speed, down to 3-6 knots, and in maneuverability. The "Veka" limped through the Arabian Sea and most of tthe Gulf of Aden, until the Indian Navy ship INS "Teg" came to assist, sending an emergency team. By joint efforts, anchor and chain were recovered and secured on Aug 28, north of Djibouti. The ship arrived at Damietta anchorage on Sep 3 at 10.50 p.m. Report with photos:
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