524 days ago
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Iranian dhow with urea sunk
The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard intercepted a large Iranian shipment of explosive materials headed to Yemen aboard a stateless fishing boat whoch was carrying more than 180 tons of urea fertilizer and ammonium perchlorat, when the Coast Guard ship USCGC 'John Scheuerman' and the USS 'The Sullivans' came across it in international waters of the Gulf of Oman on Nov. 8, 2022. For the next five days explosive ordnance disposal technicians from the U.S. Naval Forces Central Command’s Task Force 56 and crew from the USS Hurricane searched the boat and identified the substances as urea fertilizer and ammonium perchlorate, which can both be used in explosives. After U.S. military explosives experts examined the boat and off-loaded the explosive material and Yemeni crew members, the U.S. military deemed the boat a hazard to commercial ship navigation and sank it in the Gulf of Oman on No 13. The USS 'The Sullivans' transferred the four Yemeni crew to the Yemeni Coast Guard in the Gulf of Aden so they could be handed over to Yemeni civil authorities. Report with photo:
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