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Fishing vessel with rudder damage towed to Havneby
The "Simone - WR 75" suffered rudder damage in stormy weather off Sylt on Dec 13, 2017. Already in the morning the crew of two had reported trouble with the rudder 13 miles west of the island. They failed to fix the trouble with own means and radioed for help. The German DGzRS lifeboat "Pidder Lüüng" came to assist. The "Simone" was adrift on open sea where they managed to establish a towing connection. Due to the weather conditions the lifeboat crew decided to tow the casualty in winds of 9 Beaufort with speeds of upto 88 km/h to Havneby. The tow at a 230 meter-line lasted several hours. At 4.30 p.m. the "Simone" was safely berthed in the Danish port. German report with photo:
Lifeboat saved grounded f/v off Sylt
on Oct 31, 2012, the "Sandra Petra - WR 75", 35 gt, ran aground on a sand bar two miles NW from Sylt around 9 a.m. The crew of two asked the MRCC Bremen for assistance which called the lifeboat "Minden" of the DGzRS station Station List upon Sylt. The 19-m-f/v had got its propeller fouled by one of its nets and thus drifted aground. The ship was stuck in a surf of one meter. The lifeboat was able to approach the grounded ship and pull it off. It was then towed to Havneby. German report with photo:[backPid]=30&cHash=e419ec20cbdfe1458a278463650aa577
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