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Mixture of heroin and alcohol killed ex Navy SEALs
The Seychelles police said that a mixture of heroin and alcohol caused the deaths of two former U.S. Navy SEALs aboard the "Maersk Alabama". A police statement on Apr 29 said toxicology analysis found no poison in the men's blood. The police said previously the men died of respiratory failure and were suspected to have had heart attacks. The two Americans — Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44 — were security contractors providing anti-piracy services for the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group. The two were found dead on Feb 18 aboard the vessel.
Ex Navy-Seals died of respratory failure
Police on the Seychelles on Feb 24 said that two former U.S. Navy SEALs found dead aboard the "Maersk Alabama" died of respiratory failure and were suspected to have had heart attacks, possibly from drug use. A syringe and traces of heroin were found in their cabin. Samples were sent to Mauritius for analysis to establish if the men had consumed a substance that could have caused the health failures. Officials named the two men as Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44. They worked for the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group. The U.S. Coast Guard was also investigating the deaths. Trident Security was founded by former U.S. Navy SEALs in 2000 and employs former special warfare operators to provide security.
Container ship cleared to leave port after investigation in death on board completed - drugs may play a role
The "Maersk Alabama" was cleared to leave the port of Victoria on Feb 18 after authorities completed an onboard investigation into the deaths of the two Americans who were found dead in a cabin on the ship while it was berthed in Port Victoria on Feb 18. Seychelles police have given no cause of death for Michael Daniel Kennedy, of Baton Rouge, — whom the Navy has identified as a 43-year-old former SEAL — and Jeffrey Reynolds, 44. The police was awaiting autopsies and said there was no evidence of physical trauma on either man’s body. Police in Seychelles say they have discovered the presence of drugs, hypodermic needles and other paraphernalia in a cabin on the "Maersk Alabama" where two American security contractors were found dead. Maersk Line Ltd. released a statement that confirmed the police report in which it was believed the two Trident epmployees have died of drug overdoses.
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