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Work ship recovered sunken fishing vessel
The 'TSM Dora' has recovered the French fishing boat 'Izel Vor - B192042' on April 2, 2020, which initally had sunk on nine mehters water depth south-east of the Grand Léjon lighthouse. The salvage was carried out by the Thomas Maritime Services (TSM). The boat had sunk in the bay of Saint-Brieuc on March 9. The two fishermen were recovered unharmed. The wooden hull, built in 1969, had a large hole. The operation was a bit complicated as the wreckage had moved since the sinking and was found in a depth of 20 meters. In the three days following the sinking, there were significant tidal coefficients with strong currents. The salvors found the boat with an 80-meter-long shell dredge deployed outside. The 'TSM Dora' was back at the port of Brest in the morning of April 3 and unloaded the trawler, which will be deconstructed by Guyot Environnement. French reports with photos: https://www.letelegramme.fr/finistere/brest/le-tsm-dora-base-a-brest-effectue-un-renflouement-en-baie-de-saint-brieuc-06-04-2020-12536126.php https://www.meretmarine.com/fr/content/tsm-renfloue-le-bateau-de-peche-izel-vor https://pontivy.maville.com/actu/actudet_-brest-mer.-renfloue-en-baie-de-saint-brieuc-le-chalutier-izel-vor-va-etre-deconstruit-a-brest_region-4060606_actu.Htm https://lemarin.ouest-france.fr/secteurs-activites/peche/36381-baie-de-saint-brieuc-le-coquillier-izel-vor-renfloue https://lemarin.ouest-france.fr/secteurs-activites/peche/36381-baie-de-saint-brieuc-le-coquillier-izel-vor-renfloue
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