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Cruise ship skipped port due to tug trouble
The "Tapuhi" suffered a winch failure while assisting the cruise ship "Dawn Princess" at the Aotea Quay in Wellington on Nov 24 at 8 a.m. The cruise ship was unable to berth so as new tugs "Tapuhi" and "Tiaki" made no attempt to get lines on the ship. With a CentrePort pilot on board, she sailed parallel to the Aotea Quay, preparing to berth, before the skipper made the decision to head immediately for Akaroa. The crew on the "Tapuhi" had become aware of the automatic winch problem as the tugs prepared to get the lines attached. The crew then switched to manual winch mode. Harris said the master on the "Dan PRincess" turned down the offer to berth the ship via "Tapuhi"'s manual winch mode and immediately sailed out of Wellington harbour for Akaroa. The CentrePort's long-serving tugs "Toia" and "Ngahue" had just left the port in the afternoon of Nov 20 as "Delta 300" and "Toia" on their two month delivery voyage to Dubai.
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