745 days ago
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Beached at Alang 25.11.22
No information on abducted engineer
I14 days since the attack of the 'Tampen' there was still no information on the whereabouts of the abducted 2nd engineed Pankaj Kumar, leaving his family in an extremely dire situation. Nobody has cooperated with them on the matter since a group of six pirates attacked the ship on Sep 5 while it was anchored tow kilometers off Owendo in Gabonese waters due to a malfunction in the propulsion system.
10 days after attack no trace of hostage
10 days since the Indian sailor, Pankaj Kumar, who was believed to be kidnapped by pirates from the 'Tampen' in Gabon, there has been no information about his whereabouts, said Sandeep Kumar, the younger brother of Pankaj Kumar: "I have written to the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of External Affairs. There has been no information for those mails. I am contacting the shipping company Proactive Shipping Management daily. They are also not helpful. Our family is in a dire situation. Nobody seems to empathise with our family."
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