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Grounded ship being broken up
Dismantling of the "Tallas" which was seized in 2015 due to his owner’s debts and waited in front of Istanbul’s Ahırkapı anchor point for two years without crews before it washed ashore on Feb 4 at the Zeytinburnu coast due to severe storms started on May 24. The ship went on sale in an auction on May 10 to be dismantled and scrapped. The ship manufacturing company Marsis, which won the tender bid, estimated the work to be completed within 45 days. The transportation of the ship to a shipyard was risky so it was being cleaned and cut into pieces for recycling at the grounding site. Report with photo: http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/ship-dismantling-underway-in-turkish-waters-132685
Divers inspected grounded ship
On Apr 12 an underwater inspection of the hull of the still grounded "Tallas" was carried out by divers in Zeytinburnu to ascertain the latest grounding position of the vessel. The salvage plan will be revised depending on the diver's final report.
Abandoned ship dragged anchor at Zeitinburnu
The "Tallas" dragged anchor in the Sea of Marmara on Feb 4, 2018, at 10 a.m. in stormy weather with 80 km/h wind speed, and drifted broadside onto the shore in Zeytinburnu. Before, it also allided with the Zeyport ferry terminal pier. The Russian owner had gone bankrupt and abandoned the ship which was moored in the area since 2015. On Feb 1, 2017, the ship developed a list of 15 degress to port side, and the rescue services which attended with the "Kurtarma 4" and "Kıyı Emniyeti 4" found out that it had been abandoned by its crew of five. There was no threat of leaking fuel because the fuel tank was empty. Turkish reports with photos and video: http://www.aktifhaber.biz/son-dakika-yuk-gemisi-karaya-oturdu-3288.html https://www.ekonomihaber.com/gundem/istanbul-da-yuk-gemisi-sahile-vurdu-h7795.html http://www.denizhaber.com/deniz-kazalari/mv-tallas-demir-taradi-zeyport-a-yaslandi-h74016.html https://www.ntv.com.tr/turkiye/istanbulda-lodos-nedeniyle-bir-gemi-karaya-oturdu%2cdP2o1vWXW0WOeUt-c1D4Ng https://www.haberler.com/zeytinburnu-nda-gemi-sahile-vurdu-10527510-haberi/ http://www.milliyet.com.tr/istanbul-da-siddetli-firtina-yuk-gundem-2603560/
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