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Medevac off Falmouth
An injured crew member of the "Swedish Reefer" was medevaced off Falmouth on Aug 3, 2017. Rescue crews got the call just before 10 a.m. after the person was injured by falling on board. The Falmouth Coastguard Rescue Team, Falmouth's lifeboat and the Coastguard Search and Rescue helicopter rushed to the scene, as well as South West Ambulance Service after the ship requested help from the UK Coastguard near the King Harry ferry in Carrick Roads. The casualty has been airlifted to hospital by the Coastguard helicopter. Report with photo: https://www.piratefm.co.uk/news/latest-news/2346128/one-airlifted-after-cargo-ship-fall/
AMVER vessel assisted dehydrated sailor
The "Chiquita Scandinavia" assisted in an SAR operation for a 61-year-old man suffering from severe dehydration on the s/y "Scat" on Nov 3, 2013, in the morning 406 nautical miles northeast of Puerto Rico. Watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector San Juan had received the initial request to provide medical assistance from the sailing vessel. Due to significant distance off-shore and lack of any nearby rescue assets, Coast Guard coordinators communicated with the nearby "Chiquita Scandinavia" through the Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System (AMVER) to provide assistance. Upon arriving on scene, the "Chiquita Scandinavia" reported rough and hazardous sea conditions and were unable to safely recover the man from the sailing vessel. The Liberian flagged "AS Vincentia" responded to the scene as well to provide assistance. Coast Guard search and rescue coordinators at Sector San Juan diverted the Coast Guard Cutter "Vigorous" to respond to the scene. The Coast Guard planned to launch a search and rescue MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew from Coast Guard Air Station Borinquen, Puerto Rico, to rendezvous with cutter Vigorous. Both assets proceeded to the scene to get the man safely off the sailing vessel to receive medical attention.
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