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Repair at Stocnia Gdynia
The "Sunnanvik", after having been moored off Gdynia since July 6 finally entered the Stocznia Gdynia S.A. for repairs on July 8 at 4.30 p.m.
Cement carrier refloated
Divers have surveyed the hull of the "Sunnanvik" on the shoal off Lillbådan on July 1 to investigate the damage which was found to be not as great as first feared. During the evening, water was pumped out of the ship's ballast tanks with the aim to make it as light as possible and raise the bow. The Coastguard was on scene with the environmental protection ship "KBV 181" and monitoring the operation with the "KBV 304", but did not have to intervene. The tug "Krono" was assisting when the cement carrier got off the rocks at 8.02 p.m. and proceeded towards Holmsund where she dropped anchor for further surveys, before being unloaded and repaired at a yard. Swedish report with photo:
Divers to survey hull before salvage may start
The "Sunnanvik" remained firmly aground on June 30, waiting for divers to inspect the hull in order to find out whether the ship may be pulled off or has to be unloaded. The ship under contract of Cementa in Stockholm had come from Slite, had berthed in Luleå to deliver some of ist cargo before continuing to Holmsund just outside Umeå. But before reaching the port, the ship went aground. The grounding occurred due to problems with the engine. In the run of the day police had gone aboard with the patrol boat "KBV 181" and questioned the crew. Swedish reports with photos:
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