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Boat of environmental activists caused oil spill
The "Miljødronningen" caused a diesel oil Spill at Sandviksboder during a bunkering Operation on June 6, 2013. The environmental activits had cleaned the tanks and were about to fill them with fresh fuel. When the tanks were full, diesel ran out on the deck and then into the sea. The fire department started to remove between 300 and 600 liters. Oil booms were laid out to limit the damage. The fire department mobilized the "Springeren" to remove the fuel from the bay. Norwegian report with photo:
Catamaran ferry towed to Kristiansund following blackout
On Feb 13, 20133, the "Miljødronningen" got in trouble on the way to Kristiansund. The ship encountered problems with the propulsion and steering around 8 a.m. The Miljøvernforbund requested assistance from the lifeboat "Erik Bye". Also the fishing vessel "Christina" assisted. Within 40 minutes help was at hand. The ship was docked in port just before 11 a.m. It had suffered an electronic fault on the control computer which caused a blackout of the electrical system. Crew members requested help from electricians to fix the problems. The catamaran ferry has just been classified. The "Mijødronningen" had sailed from Bergen on Feb 12 evening, bound for Kristiansund to function as a hotel for 20 offshore workers. It will stay in port 40 days. Norwegian report with photos:
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