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Ferry sidelined due to cylinder damage
The "Stordal" suffered technical trouble in the morning of Aug 14, 2018, and had to be taken out of the Seivika-Tømmervåg service. The departure from Seivika at 11.30 a.m. and the departure from Tømmervåg at noon were canceled due to the technical problems. There was a leakage on the one cylinder required for opeing the bow port. Repairs were to be started soon at the quay in Seivika, and it was deemed hardly necessary to cancel more than a round trip on Talgsjøen due to the technical failure.
Ferry in danger of drifting onto rocks
The "Stordal" sailing between Seivika and Tømmervåg suffered engine failure on Nov 15, 2013, at 7.50 a.m. with 34 passengers and a crew of five on board. Six minutes after the departure from Tømmervåg at 7:30 the main engine conked out. The ferry was off Talgsjøen and only 10-20 meters from rocks. The crew distributed life jackets to the passengers who were collected on deck in case a evacuation was needed. The Pilot boat "LS 120", a lifeboat and a Sea King helicopter were alerted, but the helicopter could be stood down after the situation was nack under control. The ferry was first connected to the pilot boat and then taken in tow by the lifeboat "Erik Bye" and heading towards Seivika where passengers and cars were to be taken off. The weather in the area was poor with strong winds. Norwegian report with photos:
Ferry towed to port following engine failure
Following an engine failure on the "Stordal" the ferry had to be towed to shore by the offshore supplier "Troms Pollux" in the night of Apr 11, 2012, at 11 p.m. There were no passengers on board, and the weather was calm, and the ship was safely moored at the ferry dock. The ferry is running on the Seivika - Tømmervåg-route. The last departure had to be cancelled, but the ferry service could be resumed on Apr 12 after the crew got the engine running again.
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