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Delivery Yangpu 01.11.2019 for 13.000 $ daily trip via Cam Pha redelivery China with Agricore
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delivered Gresik April 4 - 5, trip via Indonesia, redelivery Japan, 16.000 $ daily, MOL
STAR MANN 9333266
The Australian Federal Police arrested three men, one from South Korea and two Vietnamese, on Apr 10, 2010, who were accused to have steered the "Mimosa" into a restricted area of the Great Barrier Reef on April 4 at 10.40 a.m. without permission. The ship was detected miles off course in the Great Barrier Reef just hours after another coal ship, the "Shen Neng 1", had run aground. The "Mimosa" ignored warnings and plowed on through one of the most vulnerable parts of the marine park. They will face court on Apr 12. The maximum penalty for these offenses is a $220,000 fine.
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