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Freighter grounded on Magdalena River
The ‘Ocean Globe‘ ran aground on the Magdalena River at kilometer mark 20 shortly after unmooring at Barranquilla on Nov 5, 2019, at 9.30 a.m. The ship was refloated about four hours later with the assistence of three tugs. Until then ship movements in the area had to be suspended. It was taken to the outer anchorage and anchored for inspections. The vessel had been enroute from Barranquilla to Valletta with an ETA as of Nov 21. Spanish reports with photo and video:
HHL Hamburg successfully loads 2 DCV47 supply vessels for Vladivostok
Yesterday, the operation for loading two DCV47 supply vessels onboard the heavy-lift carrier HHL Hamburg successfully completed at the roadstead of Port Kavkaz, the project designer Marine Engineering Bureau said. Hansa Heavy Lift GmbH said it would deliver the PSVs to Vladivostok by October 1st. Sosnovka-1 and Sosnovka-2 (each - 379 tons) built at Sosnovsky Shipyard and ordered by the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency are intended for Kamchatka project. The construction of DCV47 project vessels are funded through the Federal Target Program "Economic and Social Development of the Far East and TransBaikalia until 2013." The Ro-Ro barges each of carrying capacity of 250 tons are designed for transportation of general cargo, bulk and containerized cargo, of wheeled and tracked vehicles by roll-on method, offshore loading and unloading of ships, offloading of cargo to the unequipped shore. The keel-laying of Sosnovka-1, a lead ship of the series was held on 13 January 2010. The vessel was commissioned on August 6, 2011. The second ship, Sosnovka-2 was laid on 18 January 2010, commissioned in August 6, 2011. OJSC Sosnowsky Shipyard, founded in 1924, specializes in building ships of various modifications. The shipyard is able to manufacture using production line method up to 300 small vessels annually.
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