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Search for missing crew member suspended
The US Coast Guard suspended the search for the mariner Phouc Nguyen, 300-miles east of Hawaii, who was reported missing from the 'St. Marianne' on Sep 9, 2020. The crews searched approximately 77 hours covering 8,821 square nautical miles, an area roughly the size of New Hampshire. At 6:30 a.m. on Sep 9, the Coast Guard Joint Rescue Coordination Center Honolulu was notified by the fishing vessel that a crew member was missing. Upon notification, JRCC deployed Coast Guard assets to search the area with the help of the fishing vessel crew. Involved in the search were the Coast Guard Cutter 'Joseph Gerczak (WPC – 1126)', the Coast Guard Cutter 'Kimball (WMSL – 756)' with sUAS Scan Eagle drone capabilities, Air Station Barbers Point HC-130 Hercules aircrews and MH-65 Dolphin helicopter aircrews of the Air Station Barbers Point. The 'St. Marianne' berthed in Honolulu' on Sep 13.
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