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Investigation into a potential oil spill launched
The U.S. Coast Guard has launched an investigation into a potential oil spill from the 'SSI Defiant' on the Patapsco River in Baltimore Harbor. On the evening of Sep 26, 2024, a 50-foot by 50-foot oil sheen was reported near the bulk carrier. The incident was first reported at approximately 6:24 p.m., when Maryland Pilot Dispatch alerted Coast Guard watchstanders to an unknown sheen observed around the vessel Coast Guard officials, in collaboration with the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) and other partner agencies, were conducting assessments aboard the anchored vessel in the Baltimore Inner Harbor. As a precautionary measure, a 1,500-foot safety zone has been established around the ship. The Coast Guard was conducting oversight and monitoring of the vessel’s pollution response measures to ensure adequate protection of the environment, and the authorities have conducted aerial surveys of the affected area, with additional overflights scheduled for Sep 27. Report with photo:
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