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Inland cargo vessel suffered water ingress
The 'Speranza', 1332 ts, suffered water ingress, en route from Utrecht to Hengelo on the Rhine, loaded with a cargo of sand and pebbles, at the junction with the IJssel late on Nov 26, 2024. The emergency services were alerted just before 11:30 p.m. The fire brigade responded with a large fire boat and a small rescue boat to partially pump out the ship, Rijkswaterstaat has halted shipping traffic on both the Rhine and the IJssel. The ship had a list to starboard side, with the stern upstream against the IJsselkop and the bow resting on a groyne in the IJssel. The vessel has later been pulled loose by another inland vessel and was now moored two kilometres north along the IJssel where it was to be examined by the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate. The shipping traffic was now back to normal; and vessels could pass through unhindered again. Report with photo: https://www.gelrenieuws.nl/2024/11/schipbreuk-op-de-rijn-bij-arnhem-binnenvaartschip-maakt-water.html
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