3951 days ago
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beached at Alang 28.05.14 Plot 54
sold to Breakers
ariived Alang anchorage 26.05.14
On Nov 21, 2010, around 8:30 a.m. a fure broke out in a cabin of the "Spar Jade" which was transiting lower St. Marys River. It left an unconscious victim that had extinguished the fire, but was suffering severely from smoke inhalation. An EMS team from the DeTour Village ambulance responded. By 9:05 a.m., the "Drummond Islander IV" came alongside the "Spar Jade", and by 9:20 a.m. the victim was safely transferred from to its upper deck for transort to the mainland ferry dock (DeTour) and further to the War Memorial Hospital. As of Dec 1, the victim was released from hospital and awaiting an airline ticket back to India. The "Spar Jade" is currently making its way out the St. Lawrence Seaway with its load of grain destined for India as well.
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