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LNGC tanker severely damaged in grounding accident
Coming from Osaka, the "Sevilla Knutsen" struck a small islet or atoll on Apr 17, 2016, which was not included in the charts, enroute from Japan to Australia. The ship was significantly damaged at the bow and suffered a huge crack from aft to prow which even pierced at some points the double hull, thus suffering water ingress. The skill and professionalism of the crew prevented a more serious situation, and they regained control with the ballast tanks. The ship headed to Guanon Apr 18, where an American Naval Base was currently serving as a defensive enclave. The US military prevented the ship from entering the Naval Base although a helicopter was offered for the evacuation of the crew. Finally with the escort of an American frigate the "Sevilla Knutsen" headed to Cebu where she arrived on Apr 24 for repairs. Spanish report with photo:¬icia=Incidente%20mar%EDtimo%20de%20un%20barco%20de%20la%20naviera%20Knutsen%92
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