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Ship with scrap on board detained in Salerno
The "Seven Stars" with cargo of scrap was detained in Salerno upon its arrival at Salerno, on Oct 9, 2017. The cargo of hazardous ferrous waste was to be offloaded in port and the ship put under arrest at the Salerno Container Terminal. The vessel’s next port of call was to be Oristano, Sardinia, where the cargo initially was to be offloaded. Sardinia, however, doesn’t have waste processing or recycling factories and facilities. The Italian authorities suspected either illegal dumping in Sardinia or the island’s waters, or further transshipment of waste to other countries.
Idled ship submerged in Augusta
As of March 16, the 'Seven Star' was in a sunken state in the port of Augusta, with only the wheelhouse and the masts still sticking out of the water. The ship has been idle in the port since Sep 19, 20219. On July 8, 2001, the ship, then sailing as 'Laura', had berthed in the port of Marseille with a collision damage at the starboard side foreship and amidships above the waterline. Photo:
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