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Meerwind Süd windfarm installation complete
WindMW GmbH has recently celebrated installation of the final turbine and offshore converter station at their 288MW Meerwind Süd offshore windfarm in the German North Sea. The 'Seajacks Zaratan' has been active in construction of the Meerwind windfarm
Jackup Rig berthed at Steubenhöft Cuxhaven due to technical trouble
Due to technical trouble the "Seajacks Zaratan" which is contracted by the WindMW GmbH Bremerhaven with the transport and installation of monopiles and transition pieces in a wind plant off Helgoland, had to berth at the Steubenhöft in Cuxhaven in the late afternoon of Nov 15, 2012, instead of using its normal berth 9.4. How long the ship would have to remain there could not yet be specified by its agents Sartori & Berger. German report with photos:
Start of construction work for first wind plant off Heligoland
The "Seajacks Zaratan" was the first large ship to use the new berth 9.4 in Cuxhabven on Aug 28, 2012, in the afternoon. Secondly, it marked the start of the construction work of the first wind plant off Heligoland for which Cuxhaven is the base port. The British company Sejacks UK Ltd. was contracted to build a total of 80 plants for the WindMW GmbH in Bremerhaven 23 kilometers north of the island, thereby using Siemens turbines with a capacity of 3.6 MW (total 288 MW). The foundation of the single units os consisting of a single, 60-meter and 600-ton monopile, which will be connected with a transition piece and the the tower, nacelle and the rotor blades. The monopile and the somewhat shorter transition pieces are manufactured in the factory Cuxhavener Ambau GmbH. The "Seajacks Zaratan" will carry three foundation pipes to the wind plant and ramm it into the sea bottom at a water depth of 22 to 26 meters. German report with photos:
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