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Repairs until the weekend
After the collision of the "Austria Princess" with the paddle wheeler "Schönbrunn" 648 dwt (EU-No.: 203999295), on the Danube near Dürnstein on June 18, the passenger m/v will have to undergo a repair of two weeks at the ÖSWAG Yard in Linz. The "Schönbrunn" was able to proceed to Krems after repairs to the rudder gear and was expected to make at least one trip during the next weekend in Austrian waters in spite of the damage to the stern.
Collision on the Danube
In the evening of June 18, 2016, the passenger m/v "Austria Princess" was in collision with the "Schönbrunn" on the Danube on a trip from Krems to Dürnstein and back. The accident happened near Dürnstein on the return trip. The "Schönbrunn" had suffered rudder trouble and dropped anchor. Due to the current the anchor dragged, and the ship was slowly drifting river downstream. Other ships were warned via VHF. In spite of the warning the "Austria Princess" slammed into the aft of the "Schönbrunn", denting the bulwark and a part of the deck. Aboard the passenger ship, windows broke, and the entrance area was affected. Due to the damage to a winch at starboard side the ship had difficulties in berthing at Krems. On June 18 it headed to a shipyard in Linz for repairs. The "Schönbrunn" was remaining in Dürnstein for inspections. Austrian reports with photos:
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