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Last crew left detained tanker
The "Chem Daisy", which was detained in Hort on May 23, after a PSC inspection found a number of detainable deficiencies, was still in port, and the Turkish owner probably has abandoned the vessel, or at least her crew, with 3-month wages debt as of end of May. On Aug 8 the last seven crew who were on board, including the master, left the vessel to return home, so tanker was now unmanned. The oort authorities already took some precautions, pumping out all fuel which was on board. The vessel’s agent Atrans has terminated its’ obligations on July 23. The tanker was guarded by port security. According to Portuguese law, the vessel is considered as abandoned only after a 30 days period of absence of the master and agent.
Tanker detained for defiencies and wages debts
The "Chem Daisy" was being detained by the MAP Horta since late May, 2016 for multiply deficiencies. The ship had entered the port on May 22. On July 11 the port authorities ordered offloading of 400 tons of diesel oil and 50 tons of gasoline on board because of safety concerns, though the cargo was understood to lack valid certificates. The tanker seemed to be abandoned by its’ Turkish owner, and the remaining eight crew members on board have not beenpaid for the last three months, the wages debts were totaling 160,000 Euros. The crew’s lawyers were trying to reach an agreement with the operator, threatening the arrest and auctioning of the tanker.
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