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Motor boat towed to Port Ginesta
On Oct 4, the sevven meter long motor boat "Mai Tai" with one crew member on board suffered an engine breakdown between Castelldefels and Vallcarca. The skipper requested towing assistance. The CCS Barcelona of Salvamento Marítimo mobilized the 'Salvamar Polaris', which took the boat in tow and safely pulled it to Port Ginesta.
Assistance to grounded motor yacht
On March 10, 2024, the motor yacht 'Scandal', with two people on board, stranded on rocks near Vlillanueva y Geltru and suffered a leak, being about to capsize when pounded by the surf,. listing heavily to port side. The JRCC of Salvamento Marítimo in Barcelona mobilized the 'Salvamar Polaris', the SAR helicopter Helimer 221 and the 'LS Neptuno' of the Red Cross as well as fire fighters which attended from the shore. The Helimer 221 hoisted the crew on board in good condition. They were safely dropped off at the pier of the port. Report with video:
Troubled yacht towed to port
On Oct 26, 2023, the sailing yacht 'Yolanda' suffered an engine failure and went adrift near Vilanova i la Geltrú. The 'Salvamar Polaris' was mobilized by the CCS Barcelona of Salvamento Marítimo. It took the boat in tow and safely pulled it to the port.
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