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On May 12, 2011, around 6.45 p.m. the "Sandnes" got out of control at Stavanger when trying to berth at the quay and allided with a couple of other boats that were docked next to it. among them the "Rygerfjord" and "Sjøtroll". The crew was routinely drug tested. Fire brigade and ambulance were called as a precaution, but no one was hurt. Fire. They departed quickly after having ensured that everything had gone well. Police investigating the case, and the Port Authority notifies the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. The "Rygerfjord" suffered several dents in the hull, as did the "Sandnes". Norwegian reports with video/photo: http://www.tv2nyhetene.no/innenriks/veteranbaat-ute-av-kontroll-i-vaagen-i-stavanger-3492843.html http://www.aftenbladet.no/lokalt/stavanger/Veteranbaat-var-ute-av-kontroll-2808400.html
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