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RMS Laar collides with eastern dam of Nevsky Gate at St. Petersburg
The dry cargo carrier RMS Laar, navigated by a private marine pilot (V. Pavlenko, who had created a dangerous situation in the port in late July), on August 20 collided with the Eastern Dam of the Nevsky Gate at the Big Port St. Petersburg, Rosmorport said citing the current information from VTS (Vessel Traffic Service system). According to Rosmorport, yesterday at 02.05 p.m. (Moscow Time) the M/V RMS Laar was permitted to shift from Berth KSZ-16 (Kanonersky Shipyard) to Berth CV-2 (of Severnaya Verf Shipyard). The pilot Pavlenko reported that he goes to the Nevsky Gate immediately. When entering the Nevsky Gate it was noticed that the bulker’s forebody has critically approached the eastern end of the Nevsky Gate, as the ship master was duly informed by the VTS operator about the situation.
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