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Collision in Manila Bay
On April 7, 2021, at 9.14 p.m. LT the 'Rich Rainbow' was in collision with the bulk carrier 'Ivy Alliance' in the Manila Bay, about three miles North of Cavite City. The tanker was leaving the anchorage where it had moored in the morning enroute from Zhuhai with a cargo of gasoline on board. The bulk carrier was en route from Kalimantan to Zhenjiang with a cargo of coal. It had already passed Manila in northward direction, when it turned back in the morning hours and appraoched Manila Bay too. Both ships suffered heavy damage. The 'Rich Rainbow' was breached on a length of 20 meters above the waterline at starboard side. She dropped anchor in pos. 14° 32.12' N 120° 52.07' E. The 'Ivy Alliance' suffered a breach of 10-15 meters length at the starboard side foreship above the waterline. She anchored in pos 4° 31.65' EN 120° 51.81' E. Both ships remained moored in their resp. positions as of April 8. Reports with photos and video:
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