3681 days ago
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beached at Alang 28.09.12
sold to breakers
sold to breakers,arrived Bhavnagar 20.09.12
Repeat offender shipping group fined and banned from U.S. waters
Four corporations involved in owning and operating a fleet of vessels regularly visiting New Orleans were today sentenced to pay a $1 million penalty and banned from doing business in the United States for the next five years by Judge Carl J. Barbier, the Justice Department announced, MarineLog reports. Stanships Inc. (Marshall Islands), Stanships Inc. (New York), Standard Shipping Inc. and Calmore Maritime Ltd., collectively the owners and operator of the M/V Americana, a Panamanian registered cargo vessel, each pleaded guilty on April 12, 2011, in New Orleans to 32 felony counts for violations of the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships, Ports and Waterways Safety Act and obstruction of justice. Read more at http://www.marinelog.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1138:2011jul00284&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=107
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