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Report on ship loss published
The Danish Maritime Accident Commission on Nov 12, 2012, published a report on the loss of the "Actinia" in the North Sea on July 9. The cutter was wrecked about 20 miles miles SW of Hvide Sande some time after the crew had discovered that there was water ingress in the engine. All options for draining the water were launched, but it proved impossible to stem the water flow with sufficient speed. Two hours after the water level alarm in the engine room went on, the "Actinia" foundered. The two fishermen on board were picked up by a partner ship. Danish report with photos: http://www.dmaib.dk/Ulykkesrapporter/ACTINIA_09062012.pdf
Trawler sank, trawl saved
The "Actinia - RI 220", 53 gt, from Hvide Sande sank on July 9, 2012, at 8.30 p.m. about 20 miles northwest of Blåvandshuk. The 30 year old 17-m-ship had suddenly suffered water ingress in the engine room, which caused a total blackout, so that the bilge pumps could not be started. The f/v "Merano" took the casualty in tow, but within ten minutes the ship developed such a list that it had to be abandoned. The crew of two, the skipper and owner and his brother, jumped into the liferaft and was picked up by the "Merano" without injuries, but a little bit shaken. Also rescue crews from Hvide Sande were summoned. Only at 04.30 a.m. on July 10 the fishermen reached the port of Hvide Sande. After their rescue they had spent the night hours with salvaging the trawl with which the "Actinia" and "Merano" had jointly fished before the ship's loss.
Sank in North sea
Fishing vessel Actinia sank at around 2030 LT July 9 2012 some 20 nm NW of Blavandshuk, Jutland, Denmark, North sea. Water ingress in engine room caused blackout, pump couldn’t be started, and vessel finally, sank, with 2 crew barely escaping into the life raft. They were picked up by Hvide Sande rescuers. Fishing vessel Ri 220 Actinia Callsign:OYKX, length 17 meters, flag Denmark. Source: Maritime Danmark
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