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Passanger s/v ran agrond in Isfjord
On June 7, 2019, just before 5 p.m., the MRCC for Northern Norway (HRS) was notified that the "Rembrandt van Rijn" had run aground on an uncharted rock in the Bore Bight in the Isfjord. The "Polarsyssel" and the pilot boat "Elling Carlsen" were on site. All passengers and an unknown number of crew members were transferred onto the "Polarsyssel". First attempts to refloat the ship failed. As it also had a list, it was decided to wait for a higher water level. In the meantime the evacuated were taken to Longyearbyen. On June 8 at 5 a.m. the sailing ship was smoothly towed off the shallows ad dropped anchor off the By Quay in Longyearbyen. It had suffered a small leak, but otherwise no significant damage. The ship remained at Harstad until July 17 before approaching Longyearbyen, ETA July 21. Report with photo:
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